UK GP32 & GP2X Owner
This is a complete development environment for GP2X development as a complete
preconfigured package as many people are still having trouble setting up the
toolchain, IDE, etc from the Wiki.
Sendspace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mnzmvw
GP2X Archive: http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,14,2295 [When updated]
GP2X Code::Blocks complete development setup RC 5
By Steven Yau
Email yaustar_8p@yahoo.co.uk
> What is this?
- This is a complete development environment for GP2X development as a complete
preconfigured package as many people are still having trouble setting up the
toolchain, IDE, etc from the Wiki.
> What is included?
- Code::Blocks IDE nightly build (10 Aug 2007): http://www.codeblocks.org/
- MinGW compiler: http://www.mingw.org/
- SDL libraries: http://www.libsdl.org/
- Octoate's DevkitGP2x SDK (6 March 2006):
+ Guyfawke updated SDL libraries (21 October 2006):
- Guyfawkes SDL test: http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,46,1047
[Modified by me with Code::Blocks project setup and PC build]
- SDL template project by myself based from Lazy Foo's tutorials
> What isn't included?
- A warranty. You run this setup at your own risk. I am not to blame if anything
goes wrong with the PC, GP2X or anything as a result of the use of these
- Personal support. Please do not PM me for extra help in setting this up. Post
in the release threads and I will do my best to get round to you. This stops the
same problem being sent to me dozens of times.
> How to install
To use this, you must delete your current Code::Blocks user settings. This
is the only way that we can get C::B to check for local settings. To delete
your current user settings, go to %APPDATA% (or
C:\Documents and Settings\User_name\Application Data) and delete the
codeblocks folder.
- Decompress the package to the root of the C drive.
- You will have the following folders:
- CodeBlocks
- devkitGP2X
- GP2X Template
- MinGW
- SDL Test
- MinGW and devkitGP2X MUST stay at the root of the C: drive for the
pre-config to work. If you want them somewhere else, you have to change the paths
yourself. The other folders can be moved whereever you want.
- [Skip this step if you don't want to use file association]
- Run Codeblocks.exe. Go to Settings->Environment Settings. On General
settings, tick the box for Check & set file associations and press the
button Set now.
- That's it, everything is ready to go.
> Extra notes on the folders
- SDL Test: This contains a modified version of Guyfawkes SDL test code. The
project can buld either the PC or the GP2X version. The execuatables are built
to the built sub directory.
- GP2X Template
- This is a simple Hello world template that you can copy the entire directory
to start a brand new project. It has been preconfigured for 3 bulid targets:
- PC Debug: You main development build
- PC Release: Optimised build to release to peers/users
- DevKitGP2x GPL Release: Optimised build for GP2X platform using the
DevkitGP2x SDK and GPLed SDL_mixer library
- DevKitGP2x LGPL Release: Optimised build for GP2X platform using the
DevkitGP2x SDK and LGPLed SDL_mixer library
- The executables are built to the built sub directory.
- You can change all the settings, output file names etc in Project->Properties.
> LGPL and GPL issues
- DevKitGP2x GPL libmad with SDL_mixer for faster MP3 playback. This means that
if you use the DevKitGP2X SDK and SDL_mixer for ANY audio playback, your program
MUST be under GPL since the SDL_mixer has included libmad headers in the library
- DevKitGP2x LGPL uses libsmpeg with SDL_mixer that uses floats for MP3 playback which
means that LGPL is applied as standard.
> Extra notes on running the PC build from the IDE
- Use F8 (Debug->Start), this runs the exe via the debugger and uses the DLLs
from the bin directory in MinGW. If you use F9 or Ctrl+F10 (Build->Build/Run),
it will try to find the DLLs in the working folder which is set in
- If you want to run the exe as a separate application (i.e. double clicking on
the exe), then you need to put the SDL DLLs in the same directory as the exe.
They can be in the C:\MinGW\bin directory:
- mingwm10.dll
- SDL.dll
- SDL_image.dll
- SDL_mixer.dll
- SDL_ttf.dll
- SDLgfx.dll
- smpeg.dll
- zlib1.dll
- jpeg.dll
- libfreetype-6.dll
- libogg-0.dll
- libpng12-0.dll
- libtiff-3.dll
- libvorbis-0.dll
- libvorbisfile-3.dll
> Known issues
- On the LGPL/Open2x build target, sound playback doesn't work. Currently
finding out why.
> Shoutouts
- The entire GP2X development community (too many names
RC 5 29 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Fixed template to output the right file type on LGP.
- Removed Open2x due to difficulty with SDL_mixer.
- Made a SDL LGPL version of DevKitGP2X by creating a second lib folder.
RC 4 20 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Added both DevkitGP2x (GPL) SDK and Open2X (LGPL)
- Hopefully Vista support
- Configured the SDL test and template to use both compiles as separate build
RC 3 18 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Updated the SDL libraries for Open2x
RC 2 16 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- GDB 6.6 has been installed over 6.3
RC 1 16 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Everything, it is the first version
preconfigured package as many people are still having trouble setting up the
toolchain, IDE, etc from the Wiki.
Sendspace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mnzmvw
GP2X Archive: http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,14,2295 [When updated]
GP2X Code::Blocks complete development setup RC 5
By Steven Yau
Email yaustar_8p@yahoo.co.uk
> What is this?
- This is a complete development environment for GP2X development as a complete
preconfigured package as many people are still having trouble setting up the
toolchain, IDE, etc from the Wiki.
> What is included?
- Code::Blocks IDE nightly build (10 Aug 2007): http://www.codeblocks.org/
- MinGW compiler: http://www.mingw.org/
- SDL libraries: http://www.libsdl.org/
- Octoate's DevkitGP2x SDK (6 March 2006):
+ Guyfawke updated SDL libraries (21 October 2006):
- Guyfawkes SDL test: http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,46,1047
[Modified by me with Code::Blocks project setup and PC build]
- SDL template project by myself based from Lazy Foo's tutorials
> What isn't included?
- A warranty. You run this setup at your own risk. I am not to blame if anything
goes wrong with the PC, GP2X or anything as a result of the use of these
- Personal support. Please do not PM me for extra help in setting this up. Post
in the release threads and I will do my best to get round to you. This stops the
same problem being sent to me dozens of times.
> How to install
To use this, you must delete your current Code::Blocks user settings. This
is the only way that we can get C::B to check for local settings. To delete
your current user settings, go to %APPDATA% (or
C:\Documents and Settings\User_name\Application Data) and delete the
codeblocks folder.
- Decompress the package to the root of the C drive.
- You will have the following folders:
- CodeBlocks
- devkitGP2X
- GP2X Template
- MinGW
- SDL Test
- MinGW and devkitGP2X MUST stay at the root of the C: drive for the
pre-config to work. If you want them somewhere else, you have to change the paths
yourself. The other folders can be moved whereever you want.
- [Skip this step if you don't want to use file association]
- Run Codeblocks.exe. Go to Settings->Environment Settings. On General
settings, tick the box for Check & set file associations and press the
button Set now.
- That's it, everything is ready to go.
> Extra notes on the folders
- SDL Test: This contains a modified version of Guyfawkes SDL test code. The
project can buld either the PC or the GP2X version. The execuatables are built
to the built sub directory.
- GP2X Template
- This is a simple Hello world template that you can copy the entire directory
to start a brand new project. It has been preconfigured for 3 bulid targets:
- PC Debug: You main development build
- PC Release: Optimised build to release to peers/users
- DevKitGP2x GPL Release: Optimised build for GP2X platform using the
DevkitGP2x SDK and GPLed SDL_mixer library
- DevKitGP2x LGPL Release: Optimised build for GP2X platform using the
DevkitGP2x SDK and LGPLed SDL_mixer library
- The executables are built to the built sub directory.
- You can change all the settings, output file names etc in Project->Properties.
> LGPL and GPL issues
- DevKitGP2x GPL libmad with SDL_mixer for faster MP3 playback. This means that
if you use the DevKitGP2X SDK and SDL_mixer for ANY audio playback, your program
MUST be under GPL since the SDL_mixer has included libmad headers in the library
- DevKitGP2x LGPL uses libsmpeg with SDL_mixer that uses floats for MP3 playback which
means that LGPL is applied as standard.
> Extra notes on running the PC build from the IDE
- Use F8 (Debug->Start), this runs the exe via the debugger and uses the DLLs
from the bin directory in MinGW. If you use F9 or Ctrl+F10 (Build->Build/Run),
it will try to find the DLLs in the working folder which is set in
- If you want to run the exe as a separate application (i.e. double clicking on
the exe), then you need to put the SDL DLLs in the same directory as the exe.
They can be in the C:\MinGW\bin directory:
- mingwm10.dll
- SDL.dll
- SDL_image.dll
- SDL_mixer.dll
- SDL_ttf.dll
- SDLgfx.dll
- smpeg.dll
- zlib1.dll
- jpeg.dll
- libfreetype-6.dll
- libogg-0.dll
- libpng12-0.dll
- libtiff-3.dll
- libvorbis-0.dll
- libvorbisfile-3.dll
> Known issues
- On the LGPL/Open2x build target, sound playback doesn't work. Currently
finding out why.
> Shoutouts
- The entire GP2X development community (too many names
RC 5 29 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Fixed template to output the right file type on LGP.
- Removed Open2x due to difficulty with SDL_mixer.
- Made a SDL LGPL version of DevKitGP2X by creating a second lib folder.
RC 4 20 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Added both DevkitGP2x (GPL) SDK and Open2X (LGPL)
- Hopefully Vista support
- Configured the SDL test and template to use both compiles as separate build
RC 3 18 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Updated the SDL libraries for Open2x
RC 2 16 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- GDB 6.6 has been installed over 6.3
RC 1 16 Aug 2007
> What has been added/changed?
- Everything, it is the first version