I have noticed that a lot of people have been asking question about what power adapters to use so I thought that I shoud make a post that will tell you what to look for. Ok first you should look for a regulated DC 3 volt 300mA for non-lit, 500mA for Blu, power adapter that dose not have a veriable voltage setting, it dosent matter the polarity( this will be discussed later)so just find one with those specifications. Also if you have a power supply that is the same except that it is unregulated(such as a game boy adapter)it will work just that there will lines on the screen like the refresh rate is off this is caused by small power fluctuations ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡THIS WILL NOT HARM YOUR GP32!!!!!!!.
Ok so you have found your power supply, double check that it is regulated DC 3 volt 300mA for non-lit, 500mA for Blu, power supply also it should have a small plug which the tip should be a yellow plastic, well that is the way it is in america. Ok now for the important part look on the transformer(the part that plugs in to the wall), you will see some thing like this (it also may say polarity and show theas): +-(-) or +-(*-- yes it is crude but it should look some thing like the 2 that I just made, they mean that the out side of the plug is positive and the inside is negitive that is the way it should be have a look at your gp32 next to the DC in jack and you will see the same thing now if it is the same as the one on the transformer your good to go. If not then you will have to cut the wires to the plug and splice them backwards and that will reverce the polarity.
EDIT: Had wrong amps marked down :unsure: yeah yeah yeah im stupe
and thak you trooper
Ok so you have found your power supply, double check that it is regulated DC 3 volt 300mA for non-lit, 500mA for Blu, power supply also it should have a small plug which the tip should be a yellow plastic, well that is the way it is in america. Ok now for the important part look on the transformer(the part that plugs in to the wall), you will see some thing like this (it also may say polarity and show theas): +-(-) or +-(*-- yes it is crude but it should look some thing like the 2 that I just made, they mean that the out side of the plug is positive and the inside is negitive that is the way it should be have a look at your gp32 next to the DC in jack and you will see the same thing now if it is the same as the one on the transformer your good to go. If not then you will have to cut the wires to the plug and splice them backwards and that will reverce the polarity.
EDIT: Had wrong amps marked down :unsure: yeah yeah yeah im stupe