Postal 2 On Pandora?


Still Fresh
Dec 1, 2009
Will the linux version of Postal 2 work on it?
It is very cool they offer linux versions so I figure it should work?
Unfortunately not. It is available for Linux, but that's Linux for x86 processors. The Pandora has an ARM based processor. Because all of the work getting it to run on Linux has already been done, recompiling it for ARM processors would be a lot easier and there would be a good chance of it running, but we have no way of getting the source code.
So no, it cannot run on the Pandora.
one of a very few games that i had the patience to play from start to end.
and then for months longer on multiplayer.
lol lets hope hes not the one delivering the after xmas pandoras :p

postal 2 was ok but got boring quickly.. its only fun with the cheats on.
Eternal Damnation was freaking sweet. In fact, I think I'm gonna load it up right now...
And ya, too bad about the closed-source x86 thing.
You could try emailing the publisher and see if they would be interested in doing a port. Can't do any harm...