Possible Wifi Attachment To Ext Port On Gp2x?


Dec 8, 2005
New York, New York
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Ok, so I guess the idea is this. wifi cards are getting pretty small these days. So I was wondering if it is possible to create a wifi card that attaches directly to the ext. port. But I mean something small kind of like the size of a AAA battery that won't be too noticable. Just wondering.
It would be very very slow; last I checked that's 2 UART ports there. The absolute maximum possible data transfer rate over them is probably under 10KB/sec. There are already SDIO WiFi adapters, wait for a driver.
Epicenter posted on Mar 23 2006 at 07:17 PM said:
It would be very very slow; last I checked that's 2 UART ports there. The absolute maximum possible data transfer rate over them is probably under 10KB/sec. There are already SDIO WiFi adapters, wait for a driver.

Yes, but does the GP2X's SD slot support SDIO or is it just a standard SD slot? The SD slot must support it on the hardware end as well.
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tmcleroy posted on Mar 23 2006 at 08:56 PM said:
sdio wifi = no sd card usage when on the net

Sandisk and another company make combination storage/WiFi cards meant for PocketPC devices, I had a 256MB+WiFi model. It worked stupendously.
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so with the wifi (and i know this may be a little far fetched) would somekind of multiplayer server program (kinda like killera) be possible for the emulators. Basically multiplayer online emulators. It would be sweet if i could play contra hard corps with someone else online....
Don't forget that if you plugged it in via the usb it would have to use an external power source considering the 100 ma limit presently coming out of the EXT port .

I think that a powered BOB with wifi built in will be possible in the near future . But something just dedicated to Wifi would be stupid considering you would have to utalize the powered usb anyway you might as well ad a couple other connections ( considering it is just a wiring issue) .