Possible to install the Pandora/Pyra OS on ARM-based Android phone?


Apr 7, 2012
They both run ARM based systems, so it should be possible, right?

I have a Galaxy S6, and the Android OS sucks ass.

Tabs constantly reloading when I switch to it, apps freezing when I minimize them, mobile websites, etc.

If I could install the Pandora's OS on my Galaxy S6 while I wait for a proper handheld PC, that would be pretty sweet. Keyboard and gaming controls not a problem since I have a bluetooth controller attachment and virtual keyboards are good enough.
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Well not the Pandora os, but some linux Distributions are possible......


However its only possible to run Linux on top of Android and Everything with X11 is very slow(And 3d accerlation is nonexistent).

First you'll need to Root your phone( just google around its different for every Phone)

2. Install this and that.

3. Install Debian from Linux Deploy and set some things up (again, google is your friend)
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Uhm, have you any experience flashing custom Android OS firmware on your phone? You should at least be able to do that before thinking of replacing the OS by a completely different one (it's not nearly as easy as it is on x86 hardware).
They both run ARM based systems, so it should be possible, right?

I have a Galaxy S6, and the Android OS sucks ass.

Tabs constantly reloading when I switch to it, apps freezing when I minimize them, mobile websites, etc.

If I could install the Pandora's OS on my Galaxy S6 while I wait for a proper handheld PC, that would be pretty sweet. Keyboard and gaming controls not a problem since I have a bluetooth controller attachment and virtual keyboards are good enough.

I know you'd probably lose sales if people could just install its OS on another more powerful device, but I'd be willing to pay for it to make up for it, maybe $50.

The Pyra's OS is essentially a fairly vanilla flavor of debian Jessie, however it would be no easy task to get it working as drivers are generally not available for the SoCs that samsung uses for their phones. Pandora's SuperZaxxon OS is fairly old and geared entirely for the Pandora, it would be pointless to port it.

And no we wouldn't lose a ton of sales, as the capability of installing Linux on phones have been around for ages. There are a ton of open phone solutions that do just that, the Pandora/Pyra is a different Niche than a phone device. 


If the Pyra team released a keyboard attachment for phones that gives it clamshell shape and sold it, it could be an alternative for people who have top end phones but want Pyra functionality.

It was called the iCP2, but that was under someone else's control before burning all the bridges in this community and ended up not being released.  The Pyra team is just EvilDragon when he's not working on his day job and Nikolaus who was hired on for his Electrical Engineer work... The rest, software and such is up to us in the community, you still fail to see what actually goes on here. 
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I'd gladly pay $100 for a keyboard/controls attachment with Pandora OS for my Galaxy S6.

Just buy a Pyra. Half the fun is the community. People porting stuff, working on emulators, pushing the limits. Idle banter.

This place will light up once the Pyra comes out. 

You get to participate.
If you want Linux on your Android device, then run Linux in a chroot. It only requires your device to be rooted and it doesn't touch the Android install, meaning you can always go back and still have a functional device:




I personally think the exact opposite way. I would like to make Pyra be able to function as a phone and then get one of those bluetooth mini-phone/dialer things in order to take/make calls. It will probably take quite some time and work (I will try to contribute as well) but hopefully it will be possible one day. Then I can just get rid of Android phone for good.
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I'm serious. If the Pandora team can manage to port the Pandora OS to Android devices like Galaxy S6, I'd be willing to pay $100 for the keyboard/controller from the Pandora in the form of an attachment.

This could be a market for people that would want a Pandora, but would rather spend ~$100 turning their Android phone into one instead of paying $400+.
Supporting every phone with the same set of drivers is theoretically not possible.

Just buy a Pyra when it comes out, you'll be fine.
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The closest you're going to get to what you're apparently envisioning would likely require purchase of a new/different phone and a bluetooth HID controller.  I do not own either of these and cannot state how they work together.



I do have one of these:


And have used it with a Linux workstation, a Samsung phone and a Pandora.  Good luck finding one though.

It is interesting that you have come around so quickly from promoting the X86 SmachZ thing to now wanting a real Linux OS on your handheld ARM device and a physical keyboard.

Next you'll need to learn that the steps needed to build and tune an OS to any given SoC hardware platform are extensive and time consuming.  Nobody is going to build an OS specifically for your phone for $100, let alone build you a custom Bluetooth keyboard.  Just the molds for creating the plastic bits on the Pyra are expected to be in the tens of thousands of Euros.  The original Pandora's OS required years of updates to get to where it's at.

The Pyra has been in development for over two years.  When the Pyra is released, we're all expecting the software support (including the OS) to be relatively crude compared to where it will be at two or more years later.  It isn't about instant gratification.  It will also cost quite a bit compared to your likely highly subsidized smart phone.  I'm looking forward to it.
I'm serious. If the Pandora team can manage to port the Pandora OS to Android devices like Galaxy S6, I'd be willing to pay $100 for the keyboard/controller from the Pandora in the form of an attachment.

This could be a market for people that would want a Pandora, but would rather spend ~$100 turning their Android phone into one instead of paying $400+.
There is certainly an element of 'selective' hearing going on with this chap.

My suggestion:

Hang around

read the threads

do some research

be patient and it will all become clear...
It also seems money is a big problem, so you could save + get a job to get a Pyra if you think it will fit you, or you could try your luck on a china gear.

Again, for about $200 you will never be playing the latest stuff and you should really look close into the specs and do some homework to figure out if china is your way.

This may fit you: http://www.gizchina.com/2015/07/01/chuwi-vi10-review/

edit: though I suspect something intel would be best for you
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