True, but you could port x86 games more easy to such a system, and who knows what else could run onto it that not even need a port.
No compromises anymore when bringing PC games to a mobile device (ok, NVidia was faster there, even without X86 compatibility) but I'm sure the homebrew community could take huge advantage of an powerful X86 based mobile device . ^^
However, the main problem still is to find a Company that sells their Chips to small open source projects. Are there new infos about which SoC's and architectures are sold in small batches?
I honestly don't see the benefit. The majority of things people actually want on x86 is closed source, so we will have no way to tweak it to work better on a handheld. As for the open source things, most that people would want from that would already have people interested in playing it on Linux, so it would already be converted to OpenGL. There is unlikely to be heavy x86 reliance elsewhere in the code, so it would not be that hard to get running on ARM anyways. It's not like all these applications are tossing around a ton of x86 assembly. Not to mention, optimizing any of the more demanding applications to work on the handheld would be more work if we need to use assembly. x86 assembly is a nightmare compared to ARM assembly.
-God Ginrai
No benefit? You're casually dismissing the vast majority of the Linux gaming that I do.
Neverwinter Nights native Linux X86.
Steam games (Half Life 1, 2, variants, Killing Floor, long list from there on out...)
I'm really looking forward to playing Worlds of Magic on my Linux workstation - to play it on a Pandora successor would be amazing.
Then there are all of the normal free Linux games that you can get from the repositories. Yes - most of those can, with effort, be re-compiled and ported to ARM then tweaked for a handheld, etc...
How about this - Consider a Pandora successor with an X86 platform with OpenGL graphics and a 1080p display that from a software perspective looks just like a 'normal' laptop and can install Debian or Ubuntu right out of the box with no customization - and can do the same with the games meant for that 'normal' X86 computer. That allows us to skip the game by game optimizations by not needing to do any in the first place via using hardware that the game/program sees as native and knows how to deal with.
The current repository of PNDs...- 90+% of that is already available on the primary Linux distributions. The PND system is cool - very cool, but exists only in the microcosm of 5000 or so Pandora users. Do we really have to tie a successor to it?