Possible Pandora Accessory


Active Member
Jun 27, 2010
Milwaukee, WI, USA
I was thinking about creating an accessory myself and figured I'd drop this idea (similar, but not exactly my original idea) on the forum to see where people take it. The idea I'm suggesting as an accessory is a PS2/PS3-like controller (wired or wireless, doesn't matter) with the analog sticks being replaced by the trademark pandora nubs. I think this would be a great idea if for no other reason than portability... I have a logitech PC controller (Dual Action, if memory serves me correctly) and I hate tossing it in the backpack to take with me when I feel like emulating on my laptop because the analog sticks get caught on any and every cable, cord or pocket in my backpack... They haven't failed me yet, but that doesn't mean I won't randomly render one useless one day I try to pull it out of the pocket and it snags a USB cable or the keyring built into the pocket or any other number of things. As low as the nubs rest, I'm pretty sure they would be pretty snag-proof, and would make for a much more portable controller type. Of course, it would be USB so that it could be a nice accessory for the Pandora or the PC (and with a 4-port hub, tv out cable and 4 of these babies, you have a complete console to enjoy without taking up so much space... I'll most likely sell all the systems I can pull off emulating on this baby once I get mine (as it stands, gamecube and dreamcast... would be nice to get dolphin working on here so I can eliminate the need for an actual Wii console :P I know PS2 and XBox are either a ways off or will be doable on the next version of Pandora... who knows! ...but I digress...) I know I'd be setting this bad boy up with all the accessories mentioned above once we get a port of ANY form of M.U.G.E.N. on the Pandora, so I have to say it's honestly a worthwhile consideration for an accessory. What do you guys think???
I'd buy it if it was very small/foldable, and possibly bluetooth (bluetooth would work on my phone too)
*insert some hilarious yet mildly insulting comment about use of the enter key*
Anywho, one very important point: Mugen is closed source, x86, and (as far as I know) fairly unique. MUGEN will never come to the Pandora, and its clones don't look especially promising either. Sorry to bust your bubble on that one.

As for your accessory idea, I'm not entirely certain what you're trying to say here. Are you trying saying you've got a great idea you intend to do, or that you are hoping to convince someone else to do for you?
You'd have a hard time trying to get the Pandora nubs functional, as you need the controller chips too, which are separate.
Heh, not a bad idea. They have something along the lines of this in the works for the iphone (icontrolpad), so once things have settled down, maybe they will make a gamepad accessory. I'd certainly like to see that. I wouldn't hold your breath about it happening any time soon, though, if ever.
well, as opposed to holding my breath... I'll be waiting a bit for the buzz around the iphone to die down a bit and loudly protest the idea of such an accessory... shouldn't be a huge undertaking in comparison to the device they are making for the iphone... I'm actually surprised that more people aren't making accessory suggestions... especially with that group that is working on the Open Source Hardware license: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2010/07/13/open-source-hardware-oshw-draft-definition-version-0-3-and-summit/

the momentum will pick up when the moment is right...