> Before answering to this, i'd like to know if this
> thing has any 3d hardware ? It'd be very hard to do
> this without 3d acceleration.
Nope, no hardware 3d acceleration...
> I've written a software
> renderer and it's running at about 5fps on an
> AMD64 3000+.
Ugh, Doesn't sound very promising then, i guess i
hoped the 2nd CPU could be
used dedicated to emulate the GPU
> Concerning the core, the n64 cpu is very similar
> to the playstation one except, it's 3 times faster
> and it has 64 bits registers which means each opcodes has
> to be simulated with multiple 32 operations. So,
> emulation of the core alone needs much more than
> 3x the power required by the playstation cpu
> emulator. The emulation of the cpu has to be made on only
> one cpu. There's nearly no way it can be multi
> threaded efficiently. Other hardware can still be emulated
> on the other cpu (including the gpu).
Well that kinda makes it sound very unlikely for the
project to be done i

, would've really been awesome...
So, if someone were to write/port a N64 Emu probably
the best approach would
be to use one processor for the core, and the other
one for hardware (sound,
gpu) emulation ? And probably both CPU's will be too
slow to handle it...