Portuguese Openpandora Blog


Still Fresh
Nov 18, 2005
Porto, Portugal
Well, I didn't know anybody in my country that owned a GP32 ou even a GP2X, but I am sure I wasn't the only one.
I read several sites, blogs and forums, in English, Spanish and German. They were and still are great and I will keep reading, but the Pandora deserves to be known everywhere, by everybody, not just those who speak three or four languages.
So I have created a simple blog with news in Portuguese. I hope this can be the beginning of a great community. There are great coders and artists here (in Portugal), and I am sure they will all be happy to become part of this great community, even if they don't speak English.

I have talked to the devs and they were happy to share their servers and give me a subdomain, but they have been really busy lately - as we all know - and the Pandora is the priority. So the blog is part of wordpress for now. Hopefully it will grow to it's own server and get a forum.

So, Portuguese readers (and Brazilian, Spanish, anybody that understands Portuguese or just wants to look at the pictures), from now on you are very welcome to drop by the Blog Português OpenPandora at http://pandorapt.wordpress.com/.


Parabens pelo blog, excelente iniciativa! Vou visitar sempre e divulgar para a comunidade de lingua portuguesa.

Thank's Schprlock!
bleonlf said:
Parabens pelo blog, excelente iniciativa! Vou visitar sempre e divulgar para a comunidade de lingua portuguesa.

Thank's Schprlock!
Obrigado (thanks).

Yes, please spread the word. I am confident that I am one of the top 500, probably top 300 in line, so everybody you know should (hopefuly) expect a Portuguese review in a few weeks.
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