Porting Psp Pc-engine Emu.


Still Fresh
Nov 28, 2006
We all know that PCE developement has stopped dead in its tracks, So why not port over another emulator for the PSP that works. We have CPS2 emulation from the PSP that was perfected on the 2X recently, and thanks to zodttd were going to have a decent GBA emulator. Couldn't this be repeated with HuE 070 for PSP on the 2X. It comes with it's source code, and from what I've read it works pretty well, and could be improved on. :ph34r:
reaper79 posted on Mar 8 2007 at 05:30 PM said:
I haven't checked on PCE/TG16 emulations in a while, but is there anything that is currently missing that we need another port to address?

Well, DaveC bitches about the sound quality on the current ports, but other than that, they are perfect.
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Squidge posted on Mar 8 2007 at 05:38 PM said:
reaper79 posted on Mar 8 2007 at 05:30 PM said:
I haven't checked on PCE/TG16 emulations in a while, but is there anything that is currently missing that we need another port to address?

Well, DaveC bitches about the sound quality on the current ports, but other than that, they are perfect.

I bitch about sound quality because it is bad. If you consider mono sound, missing samples, buzzing white noise generator and misc pops and clicks "OK" then you are fine.

The one emu that is pretty accurate in the sound department is too slow. Yes, if you are lucky enough to overclock to 266 MHz and don't mind crappy battery life, then that one is OK. Well except for the rendering errors with missing sprites in some games that is.
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Squidge: If you could work on it, that would be great, as long as it doesn't take you from SNES that much.

Perfect for me would be PC Engine Super CD emulation fullspeed with sound at 133 MHz. I don't think I could ask for more than that :D
Squidge posted on Mar 8 2007 at 07:27 PM said:
Well, I found my old PCE source code, what did you think of that? I forgot what you said.

Wasn't that lacking sound?
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Squidge posted on Mar 9 2007 at 08:22 AM said:
I dunno, not worked on it for ages now, so kinda forgot what it did and didn't do.

I never used SquidgeNgine. The reason I remember is because it did lack sound. I can't play games without sound so I didn't bother trying it. I figured I would try it when sound was added, but it never was.

That is how I remember it.
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I just wish SOMEONE could get a PCE Emu on the 2X that ran fullspeed FS0 with good sound (not missing samples/wrong rate/etc.) and have savestates and autofire buttons is good to have since that was built in to the TG16. Savestates are big to me since I only have a few minutes here and there to play on my 2X, so I hate having to start a game over again. I'd even settle for OC to 233/240 for fullspeed as long as it had sound and could draw every frame.

The issues with the current emu's are
-Vobbo's :No savestates, Sound lacking a bit
-SquidEngine :No Sound, No savestates
-CPCE :Sound is at a wierd sample rate, no savestates, GUI severely lacking
-GP2XEngine :Speed issues. Even clocked @266 some games aren't fast enough and some are too fast. audio/video sync issues. Also it's hardcoded to be FS1 so shooter games like Blazing Lasers because the highest level laser alternates frames when firing so you only see 1/2 of it.

For the most part, I agree with DaveC on the PCE Emus, although I'm not as picky about the sound.
There are other small things to make a PCE emu perfect in my eyes, but I'd settle for the above.
