Is Final Burn Ever Possible For The 2x?


Still Fresh
May 27, 2006
I was wondering if any members of the forum knows when a CPS2 emu
is going to be persued any time soon? With the big push to get GBA working
on the 2x with a possible port of gPSP I see no news on CPS2, Has anyone
considered porting a version of finalburn alpha to 2x? The source is usually
available, and I have run this emulator on a PC with a 233 megahertz processer
at full speed or close to it. Here's a link to one of ports of FBA I use, which
has the source code available. Since the PSP has Theirs why can't 2x users have the best? :ph34r:
I was wondering if any members of the forum knows when a CPS2 emu
is going to be persued any time soon? With the big push to get GBA working
on the 2x with a possible port of gPSP I see no news on CPS2, Has anyone
considered porting a version of finalburn alpha to 2x? The source is usually
available, and I have run this emulator on a PC with a 233 megahertz processer
at full speed or close to it. Here's a link to one of ports of FBA I use, which
has the source code available. Since the PSP has Theirs why can't 2x users have the best? :ph34r:

Well first off a 233 mhz pc processor is way faster than a little ol arm cpu even if it's clocked to 280 or higher. I have a psp and have tried the cps2 emulator. It's quite nice but many games (especially the fighting games) frameskip like crazy. There's a couple t hat play perfect, but most skip frames to much to really be that playable. Puzzle Fighter II, Eco Fighters and a couple others run full speed though. I know cps2 can be emulated on the gp2x but I don't now about FBA being ported. I'm assuming it's all programmed in x86 assembly which I heard is a bitch to port into asm for an arm processor. One reason zsnes was never ever ported, same with Raine. It supposedly can be done but it's very complicated and time consuming so quite a few coders I'm sure don't want to even bother. I'm sure some more people can give better reasons (and more accurate) than me.
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I asked a similar question regarding CPS2 emulation a few weeks ago, I was informed that we would see something soon related to CPS2 and CAVE from spanish coders..

Come to think of it Im sure when I met Craig at the amiga bash he mentioned someting regarding CPS2 emulation also.

So hopefully CPS2 and Cave emulators are not too far off.
Well thats good news, I assume it will be a port CPS2 mame then. It's to bad that
it would be difficult to port FBA. I look foward to what the Spanish coders cook up. :)
geise69: why do you say a 233mhz x86 is faster than an arm 920t? i am quite sure thats not the case..
geise69: why do you say a 233mhz x86 is faster than an arm 920t? i am quite sure thats not the case..
Numerous reasons, some of which are Pentiums are Superscalar, use a branch predictor, have an FPU and generally have larger i-cache & d-caches.

Edit: Woops just realised how old this is....
The cps2 emulator on gp2x is full speed with sound you can even change the cpu to low and high speed it's really incredible on the gp2x doesn't suffer from anything at all.

The final burn alpha emulator is available from the gp2x file archieve it's one of the coolest thing ever to happen to the gp2x already the emulator runs full speed with sound it plays like a dream here are some games i've played and they play amazingly fast:

1) Street fighter II championship edition
2) Street fighter II world warrior
3) Punisher
4) Don pachi
5) Final fight
6) Strider
7) UN squadron
8) Captain commando
9) Ghouls & Ghost
This is a really really old thread. Look at the date, November 2006. :P

(As a side note, both the CPS-2 & FBA emulators have already materialized.)
I didn't actually notice it was old thread, still it's a good i posted, if anyone was unsure about final burn alpha emulator did exist i just commenting how good emulator was, it's really weird not many people posted on this great emulator, anyways the fba2x was updated on christmas time which was really good thing.