Porting Guide


Jan 3, 2006
alright, this may be a terrible idea, but if i remember correctly, a few devs have said that porting SDL games is not all that difficult. porting games is all a lot of people are interested in doing - me included - but i would have to learn how to code first, which would take a long time, before beign able to use only a fraction of that knowledge to port.

so what i am suggesting is, would it be feasible to create a porting guide? explaining what you need to do, and stuff? i am aware this is a long shot.. but i think it would be helpful if produced. i would certainly have a bash at it..
I know how to code to a certain extent, but it would be nice, for someone to mention what sort of things have to be changed... On a simple SDL app.
Resolution and anything that stems from that (eg GUIs placement etc)
Floating point use

These would be the main areas to look at for me as well as external library use.