Port Requests

@ptitSeb : oops, sorry, I didn't check the ADA games requirements :(

Regarding LGames, I think @mcobit is still around, not so sure about the other porters (Clop and Hermocom).

I couldn't find the LBreakout games on the Repo, but there's an old version (2010) at the Archive.

EDIT: SDL-Ball is also available at the Archive (ported by Paeryn in 2011)

Cheers, Magic Sam
An GTA3 Port, even if this only play well on 1GHZ Units, would be pretty great, because this means, its no big deal to port it over too Pyra

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

It should be ok... possibly. The Android version runs ok through the droid.pnd or did when I last tried. Admittedly that's a while back. But a native and open source build would be lovely! :P
I don't know whether it has been mentioned before, but one of the current Humble Bundles comes with some source:

I'd buy it for someone who's willing to port this stuff to the Pyra.

I was assuming these would be written using the GamerMaker scripting language, and therefore would not be an easy port to unsupported platforms (Pandora).

Unless it is possible to port them using ENIGMA,I will probably skip this bundle.
Hi all :)

I had a PHP / MySQL training session today. The teacher was very enthusiast about Sublime Text, and that's the editor we used. It looks like a nice piece of software, but unfortunately it's closed source... :(

After a quick search, I found two open source alternatives to Sublime: Atom and Brackets.

Do you think they'd run correctly on the Pandora ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Yeah Sublime is very nice, but closed source.
Atom needs node.js (and VS:Code too), and I still stugle to get that thing running on the Pandora.

Brackets I don't know, but it seems similar to Atom, and looks like a node.js app too.
I'm planning to add it directly in codeblocks, so it will be accessible from C::B command line.

(the buttons in the toolbars are missing beacuase it's not properly installed yet, just launch from src/ )
What do you think?
I can also put latest emacs...
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@ptitSeb calling upon our mighty porter super heroes: https://github.com/jsettlers/settlers-remake
it seems to be an already functioning settlers 3 clone, engine has been open sourced and the whole thing supposedly runs on linux very well. It's a java program and requires java 1.7/1.8

The weird thing is, they apparently have been developing this since 2011, but I've never heard of it anywhere. Seems to have an improved AI, too.
@ptitSeb thanks a bunch! I just tried it on an older laptop running mint 17. it seems to be very much complete. I think you can only play the romans though. Some UI features are still missing and it might be too heavy for pandora, not sure about that.
@xnopasaranx : just tried JSettlers, and got this
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: jsettlers/main/swing/SwingManagedJSettlers : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
Looks bad. I'll dig a bit, but not sure I can fix that easily.