Port Requests

Hi again :)

@ptitSeb : Rust 1.13 is out !

ARM is still in Tier 2, but Cargo should compile fine now:


1.13 contains a serious bug in code generation for ARM targets using hardware floats (which is most ARM targets). ARM targets in Rust are presently in our 2nd support tier, so this bug was not determined to block the release. Because 1.13 contains a security update, users that must target ARM are encouraged to use the 1.14 betas, which will soon get a fix for ARM.

Cheers, Magic Sam
@ptitSeb : OK, will give it a try. I have just tried to run Mintest again on my Rebirth with OC @ 825 MHz, and the game is still painfully slow :( The FPS is OK for that kind of game, but CPU usage is 100% at all times, and the map takes a long time to be generated in front of your eyes...

I'll play a bit with the settings, see if I can find something useful.

Cheers, Magic Sam
@ptitSeb : thanks for having a look at it :)

If I'm not mistaken, Minetest uses the Perlin noise algorithm to generate maps. As this algorithm is pretty heavy, do you think NEON optimizations would help ?

EDIT: I'll do some tests with "perf top" to see where the game spends the most time.

Cheers, Magic Sam
@ptitSeb: Ah, OK, I understand.

Regarding Lua, "libluajit-5.1.so.2" uses a lot of resources at times, is it related ?
12.75% libGLES_CM.so.1.10.2359475 [.] 0x35bf4
5.06% libc-2.9.so [.] memcpy
4.86% libc-2.9.so [.] 0x67730
3.16% minetest [.] CNodeDefManager::get(MapNode const&) const
2.31% minetest [.] _ZL17updateFastFaceRowP12MeshMakeDataN3irr4core8vector3dIsEES4_NS3_IfEES4_S5_RSt6vectorI8FastFaceSaIS7_EE.isra.389
2.20% minetest [.] irr::video::COpenGLDriver::getColorBuffer(void const*, unsigned int, irr::video::E_VERTEX_TYPE)
1.90% minetest [.] MapgenV6::flowMud(short&, short&)
1.85% minetest [.] getTileInfo(MeshMakeData*, irr::core::vector3d<short> const&, irr::core::vector3d<short> const&, bool&, irr::core::vector3d<short>&, irr::core::vector3d<short>&, unsig
1.80% libc-2.9.so [.] memcmp
1.67% libm-2.9.so [.] 0x16830
1.63% libluajit-5.1.so.2 [.] 0xac84
1.63% [unknown] [.] 0xffff0fe4
1.55% minetest [.] Map::spreadLight(LightBank, std::set<irr::core::vector3d<short>, std::less<irr::core::vector3d<short> >, std::allocator<irr::core::vector3d<short> > >&, std::map<irr::
1.53% libGL.so.1 [.] glshim_glDrawElements
1.43% libc-2.9.so [.] memset
1.39% perf [.] 0x3785c
1.35% [kernel] [k] __do_softirq
1.32% minetest [.] MapNode::getLight(LightBank, INodeDefManager*) const
1.31% minetest [.] noise2d_perlin(float, float, int, int, float, bool)
1.05% libc-2.9.so [.] malloc
1.02% libc-2.9.so [.] free
1.01% [kernel] [k] __schedule
0.99% minetest [.] 0xfb440
0.96% libc-2.9.so [.] dl_iterate_phdr
0.93% libgcc_s.so.1 [.] 0x195a8
0.79% minetest [.] std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<irr::core::vector3d<short> >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<irr::core::vector3d<short>, irr::core::vector3d<short>, std::_Identity<irr::core::ve
0.73% minetest [.] MapBlockMesh::MapBlockMesh(MeshMakeData*, irr::core::vector3d<short>)
0.67% libz.so.1 [.] longest_match
0.64% minetest [.] ClientMap::renderMap(irr::video::IVideoDriver*, int)
0.64% libstdc++.so.6 [.] std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*)
0.60% minetest [.] _ZN3Map29getSectorNoGenerateNoExNoLockEN3irr4core8vector2dIsEE.part.281
0.58% libz.so.1 [.] deflate_slow
0.57% minetest [.] std::_Rb_tree<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::
0.53% libm-2.9.so [.] cosl
0.53% libstdc++.so.6 [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance(bool, std::_Rb_tree_node_base*, std::_Rb_tree_node_base*, std::_Rb_tree_node_base&)
0.52% minetest [.] biLinearInterpolation(float, float, float, float, float, float)

Openal used to eat a lot of resources too (mix_NEON ~10% ?), until I turned the sound off in the options ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Most of the engine is in lua, so yeah, luajit has some work to do!
openal taking some time? I don't remember having that on my side.
Anyway, it seems it's mostly doing graphics stuff, with that large 10%+ inside the GLES driver...
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@ptitSeb I'm not sure what's exactly c4a, but Fightcade is a reinterpretation via reverse engineering of the GGPO netcode:


In general terms, Fightcade/GGPO is FBA+Godlike NetCode

EDIT: So C4A is a ranking system for MAME. Fightcade is a matchmaking system (net live gameplay) and the netcode is awesome. If you know Kaillera and trying to compare, Kaillera is something like travel in horse and Fightcade is travel with a Ferrari. Kaillera is a server based matchmaking system while Fightcade is P2P.
I was browsing projects on github today. Just thought I'd share some in case someone was interested in porting them:

Voxel Quest: Interesting project that was recently made open source.
Zetawar: Turn based strategy game.
Captain Holetooth: Platform game made using Godot.
Rotorcross: Multi-rotor racing sim.
heXon: Twin stick shooter made with Urho3D. Urho3D was mentioned previously, but I don't think we've seen any ports use it yet. LucKey Productions seems to make a lot of open source, commercial games using this engine.
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