Port requests section?


I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I was just thinking we probably need a section dedicated to port requests given that we're going to get a lot more requests and we're in that day and age where we're going to need to support more platforms

Why? Let me lay that down in bullet point form:

• It's easy to search for a particular game name than a thread and avoid duplicates.
• The port requests thread is rather long and has no particular process for requesting a port
• We can easily move a port request to a new section or close it if it's not a portable game.
• To save Ptitseb's Brain from melting. ;)

How does people requesting multiple ports in the same post fit your plan? Would they need to break it out into multiple threads to make searching easier, or are they allowed to make a 'port these games' thread?
How does people requesting multiple ports in the same post fit your plan? Would they need to break it out into multiple threads to make searching easier, or are they allowed to make a 'port these games' thread?

It's a rare occurrence but it would be encouraged that they make a second post for a second port

could we make a wiki page?
We have one, people don't know how to work wikis properly :P

I guess if there were some sort of special XenForo plugin with pre-defined fields that could work too
I was just thinking we probably need a section dedicated to port requests given that we're going to get a lot more requests and we're in that day and age where we're going to need to support more platforms

Why? Let me lay that down in bullet point form:

• It's easy to search for a particular game name than a thread and avoid duplicates.
• The port requests thread is rather long and has no particular process for requesting a port
• We can easily move a port request to a new section or close it if it's not a portable game.
• To save Ptitseb's Brain from melting. ;)

Good idea, but do we really need that ? Can't we just command ptitseb to port everything ?
Good idea, but do we really need that ? Can't we just command ptitseb to port everything ?
Nice but dont forget that Ptitseb is a Human and a "porting Machine" ...and sometimes the Human part need Time with Family or sleep oder simple resting.
He is a very friendly Person and i was glad to met him @ Gamescom last Year.
He learned me many things about porting Things.
(But not enough to port all Things..hehe )

I like the Idea with the Porting Section because we have single Requests there and its more easy than to find the Status of the Games/Ports.

But then we need a seperate Porting Section for Pandora and another for the Pyra :)
The Pandora wiki is never updated, mostly inaccurate and pretty hard to keep track of.

I sure don't like using the Wiki for thing's that don't pertain a knowledge base type item.