It's not slow because it's Python, it's slow because SDL isn't hardware accelerated.
Likely the python is only mildly to blame. Although it may be at fault too, I'd have to analyze it to see.
Obviously the fry guy does not like Python very much but that doesn't mean his assertions are correct. Blanket assertions like Python games are going to lag is B.S.
The port request thread is monitored by Esn. Esn publish that to the wiki for all the dev to see.
Edit : Ok now I've now read the rest of the thread. So sorry. And good luck in your work. But believe the others, if you have a limited experience in coding, then you're able to do this.
Once we have a dedicated python packager, I'll have a few request (that were pending to the existance of such person ;P)
When it comes to making it into a PND, well richiz, you've already seen my thread about distPND. I made distPND specifically to make it easy to package Python programs into PNDs. Read up on Distutils, create and setup.cfg files for this game (check out the ones I made for BubbMan2 to get an idea of how they work), then install distPND and you can make a PND with a single command.