Port Request: Ufo: Alien Invasion


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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Hi everyone!

It's not often that I post these, but having just stumbled upon this: http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/News , I figured bringing it to the attention of the community at large might not be a bad idea. especially given very Pandora-friendly system requirements (500MHz machine, 128mb ram, 32mb graphics card) - unsurprising since it is based on the old Quake 2 engine.

X-com rocked, and for me at least, a modern version of it would be fabulous. If anyone's up for the challenge, I, at least, would be very grateful!
I found that game yesterday and was debating asking for a port,
Glad you asked :P
Looks pretty sweet and would be awesome on the pandora if it's possible and if a dev will take it on. I'll be keeping my eye on this topic :)
Tobriand said:
X-com rocked, and for me at least, a modern version of it would be fabulous. If anyone's up for the challenge, I, at least, would be very grateful!

A bit off-topic as it is not Pandora related, but I have always loved the original X-Com game and the best remake (to my knowing) out of the handful of them is Extraterrestrials. You should give it a try, if you want 'the same thing in a modern costume' :)

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I was very fond of UFO: Terror from the Deep, and I was positively impressed by UFO: Alien Invasion. You can count me in as a requester of UFO:AI, and I hope dosbox or something will make TftD playable on the Pandora.

I believe I might have the skills, the time and the motivation to try and port UFO:AI. Soon after I recieve my unit I will start that port unless somebody does it frist (which is probable, considering how far behind I am in the queue).
This is one of the games that was always mentioned in the 'game port' threads. It would be a really great game for the Pandora, it uses the Quake II engine so that has already been ported, I wonder how much more work this game would require to get running on the Pandora?
WhiteFalcon said:
Tobriand said:
X-com rocked, and for me at least, a modern version of it would be fabulous. If anyone's up for the challenge, I, at least, would be very grateful!

A bit off-topic as it is not Pandora related, but I have always loved the original X-Com game and the best remake (to my knowing) out of the handful of them is Extraterrestrials. You should give it a try, if you want 'the same thing in a modern costume' :)

That looks really cool! Is it open source?
Also, back on topic, UFO:AI looks awesome enough to port as well.
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