Port Request: Neverball


Nov 17, 2012
This is a great MonkeyBall clone with lots of levels and nice gameplay.

I would love to see it runing on pandora, I would like to know if it is possible to port the game...

the source code is avaiable here http://neverball.org/download.php :)
Its sister, neverputt would be nice.

I'm guessing this would require some OpenGL(Es) jiggery-pokery, though :(
ow, it would be pretty nice get it running on the pandora, there are many talented people here in the pandora forums ;) , well anyways thanks for the info Binky ^^
There was an ios port. The sources were never been opened for this afaik.

But there was also another version, that pickle almost got running some years ago.

No clue what happened to that...
Some time passed since you last tried it, so maybe get the latest sources and try again?
NICE! is there any possibility to have all levels runing on pandora, well the source code must be now more up to date and more clean.

It would be awesome to play it on the pandora I mean if one level was possible the others must be too right? :3 unfortunetly I dont have any knowledge in porting... I make some experiments with gamemaker programming nothing more :P .

Only if pickle could try again to port it ;)
No need to bump this thread, as pickle already answered and you already know what the problems are.

You can send him a pm if you want to know more or meet in irc or something.
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