Video Request: Tux Typing


Professional Derailer
Oct 1, 2008

If anyone with one of the latest Pandora Prototypes could get tux typing working

And could record themselves playing the game to see how responsive the keypad is, it would be greatly appreciated.
I think that's a pretty good idea, I intend on using it for ALOT of typing.
For want of a better phrase, "Me too". :P

The Pandora's very likely to be the device I always wanted, as far as a pocket-sized writing buddy goes. (I even purchased the rather good notebook application for the Nintendo DSi in the meantime, but I can type faster than I can write with a pen. It's one of those "You know you're a geek when..." things. :P )

EDIT: Bah, I should have quoted, for I have been ninja'd. :P
I can do the video - but I'm no coder, so I need someone who compiles TuxTyping for me ;)
EvilDragon said:
I can do the video - but I'm no coder, so I need someone who compiles TuxTyping for me ;)

Not sure how much it helps, but there's already a Debian package for it for ARM.
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EvilDragon said:
I can do the video - but I'm no coder, so I need someone who compiles TuxTyping for me ;)
Could you please do this test as well:

It requires just a sketching tool (xournal/gpe-sketchbook/gimp/etc).
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Awakening said:
Are you working on an office stuff video for all us who wants to use our Pandoras not just for games?
And a Midori web surfing demo would be great :)
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fearofshorts said:
Thanks for putting up with us ED!
Thanks for all this running around and making videos!

It was Craig that did the running around, remember? Hopping through meadows with the Pet Shop Boys, if I recall correctly.
He fell over, though.
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As a Portuguese speaker I'm very curious to know if it has a "ç" key. I think i saw it in some renders/prototypes but at the early ones iI couldn't find the key. If someone really do the video would be nice to see some letters with ~, ^, ´, like é, ô, ã...
brunox69 said:
As a Portuguese speaker I'm very curious to know if it has a "ç" key. I think i saw it in some renders/prototypes but at the early ones iI couldn't find the key. If someone really do the video would be nice to see some letters with ~, ^, ´, like é, ô, ã...
It doesn't have accented characters on the keyboard, but they can easily be built with other key combinations.
Since the Pandora is an international device, they needed something generic. If you put the accented characters on the keyboard, non-accented languages will never (or rarely) use them. At the same time, you still need to account for the accented languages. The compose key is a suitable compromise and a standard solution.
EvilDragon once suggested that, once they have enough systems out there, they may consider making additional key mats that have different layouts.
This is mostly just academic anyway. It is very easy in Linux to change the keymapping. Even though a key has one character on it, there is nothing to prevent you from changing it, or adding your own. For example, if you will never use the Dollar or Euro symbols, you can just load up the xmodmap and change them to be the accented characters you use the most. Or find other ways of rearranging things to suit your desire! The keymat, being a physical piece of plastic, obviously still shows the default configuration, so you'll have to remember what keys have been changed, but it should still work well.
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WizardStan said:
The keymat, being a physical piece of plastic, obviously still shows the default configuration, so you'll have to remember what keys have been changed, but it should still work well.
I can confirm that this works well (all of my Linux laptops are mapped to the UK-Macintosh laptop keyboard layout, as I get on much better with it than a standard UK layout) - muscle-memory will very quickly take care of remembering what's what once you remap things. :P
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I'm from Sweden and while I type mostly in English I do like having å, ä and ö. From what images I have seen there should be a compose key on one (or both) of the shoulder buttons. As I understand it by holding the compose key you get a whole different set of characters from the keyboard, probably configurable. Would be nice to get an onscreen keyboard layout when holding the compose key for a few sec, but nothing that I've heard of.