Port Request for Directory Opus Clone


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
Any chance we can have Worker ported please. It's a Directory Opus Clone for Linux.

Anyone that knows Directory Opus or Dopus as it was affectionately known in the good old Amiga days, will tell you that it was a killer app. No seriously, it was :)

Nothing for me has ever come close to the power of dopus. I've not used Worker (it's supposed to be a faithful clone) but on the Amiga version of Dopus you can program buttons to do stuff with a click for as much power as you could ever want, while the basic interface remains very easy to use and very intuitive.

Worker should be pretty light on resources too.
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It looks like an easy compile. I don't see any dependencies that would prevent it from working on the Pandora.
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It looks like an easy compile. I don't see any dependencies that would prevent it from working on the Pandora.

That's what I thought from looking at it and what I was hoping but I'm a linux noob.

Hopefully when one of the ex Amiga devs notices this they'll grab it with both hands. I mean, just look at the features:

low requirements (basically only the X11 libraries)

fast and easy access to archives and remote sites

Browse tar/tgz/tbz, gzip, bzip2, zip, rar, ar (also supporting extfs: lha, zoo, rpm, iso9660, diff, arj, cpio, ...) in any combination (zip files in tar archives, rar archives in CD iso images,...).

Access ftp sites without third party tools.

many built-in functions like:

copy, move, rename, delete files

create directory

create/change symlinks

chmod, chown

and many more...

text viewer


file search

flexible file type system with arbitrary file type actions for single file types or groups of types

context menu to access file type actions

bookmarks for frequently used directories

labels can be assigned to entries to make it easier to find important files

volume manager for mounting/unmounting devices (HAL supported)

filter file view by string pattern or label

assign any external command to buttons, hotkeys or filetypes (e.g. gimp, tar, diff, mount, ...)

UTF8 support

built-in configuration GUI
It looks like an easy compile. I don't see any dependencies that would prevent it from working on the Pandora.

That's what I thought from looking at it and what I was hoping but I'm a linux noob.

Hopefully when one of the ex Amiga devs notices this they'll grab it with both hands. I mean, just look at the features:

low requirements (basically only the X11 libraries)

fast and easy access to archives and remote sites

Browse tar/tgz/tbz, gzip, bzip2, zip, rar, ar (also supporting extfs: lha, zoo, rpm, iso9660, diff, arj, cpio, ...) in any combination (zip files in tar archives, rar archives in CD iso images,...).

Access ftp sites without third party tools.

many built-in functions like:

copy, move, rename, delete files

create directory

create/change symlinks

chmod, chown

and many more...

text viewer


file search

flexible file type system with arbitrary file type actions for single file types or groups of types

context menu to access file type actions

bookmarks for frequently used directories

labels can be assigned to entries to make it easier to find important files

volume manager for mounting/unmounting devices (HAL supported)

filter file view by string pattern or label

assign any external command to buttons, hotkeys or filetypes (e.g. gimp, tar, diff, mount, ...)

UTF8 support

built-in configuration GUI

Christ, can you imagine what you could do with this on the Pandora? PND creation and content-inspection/extraction would be a breeze without all this keyboard shell crap :)

Hell, I'd not need any other UI at all. Someone please port this.

Even just reading the name takes me back to my Amiga days, I used to use it a lot in Workbench! Sounds like a great addition to the Pandora:)
On a side note, you realise they're still making Directory Opus, right? I've been using it on my Windows box for years as a Windows Explorer replacement.

I wouldn't wanna go back, and I've barely scratched the surface of what it can do.

Linky here: http://www.gpsoft.com.au/

...and just like the Amiga version from long ago, people are still raving about it. :)
Christ, can you imagine what you could do with this on the Pandora? PND creation and content-inspection/extraction would be a breeze without all this keyboard shell crap :)

Hell, I'd not need any other UI at all. Someone please port this.


Just had a play and it's as good as I remember it :)

On my Amiga I had buttons for all sorts of things. I could pack and unpack adf.s at the touch of a button and write them to floppy if required. Mmmm lovely.

Thanks for this mash you're a star mate.

It even reports free memory and swap at the bottom of the window. :D

Mmmm back to work I suppose LOL
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Excellent. Work's on hold for 20 mins while I grab this and give it a test run. Many thanks :D
Thank you for pointing me again to Worker! :)

I've used it a lot a long time ago, but i replaced it sometime by gnome-commander.

You'll have to config Worker on Pandora to let it use some program to display pictures etc.

Using this scripts it should be easy to do everything you like, i guess...
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On a side note, you realise they're still making Directory Opus, right? I've been using it on my Windows box for years as a Windows Explorer replacement.

You do realise that DirectoryOpus died with v4, yes? v5 (the workbench replacement) departed from v4 in an awful manner, and was virtually unusable without an expanded Amiga. v4 was reliable and had an intuitive interface. While you could set up v5 to resemble v4, it wasn't the same - four windows do not coexist as well as one well-partitioned window.

...and just like the Amiga version from long ago, people are still raving about it. :)

No, people just rave about how it's better than explorer. Opus on the PC is a clone/remake of Opus 5 and as such is an inferior product.

On a side note, you realise they're still making Directory Opus, right? I've been using it on my Windows box for years as a Windows Explorer replacement.

You do realise that DirectoryOpus died with v4, yes? v5 (the workbench replacement) departed from v4 in an awful manner, and was virtually unusable without an expanded Amiga. v4 was reliable and had an intuitive interface. While you could set up v5 to resemble v4, it wasn't the same - four windows do not coexist as well as one well-partitioned window.

...and just like the Amiga version from long ago, people are still raving about it. :)

No, people just rave about how it's better than explorer. Opus on the PC is a clone/remake of Opus 5 and as such is an inferior product.


My bad. Seems I failed to keep up to date with the DOpus v5 vs DOpus v4 playground wars of 16 years ago.

If anyone was unaware an inferior version of Directory Opus was available as an Explorer replacement in Windows, the link's up above; I hope it proves useful to you. Anyone else who isn't interested can just pretend I posted "+1" or "LOLZ" or something instead.

Thankyou mash for porting Worker, and BaDToaD for asking.
My bad. Seems I failed to keep up to date with the DOpus v5 vs DOpus v4 playground wars of 16 years ago.

That's ok, you're forgiven. Just try to keep up in future - as you say, you're 16 years out of date here.

I thin I used to use some free version they gave away on the cover of Amiga Format, so who knows what one that might have been! (yes I am old) :P
Hey mash, just curious about any hurdles you might have had with this? I tried building in yactfeau and also tried native x86 build in Ubuntu, both failed with errors I didn't really understand (not dependencies).
Hey mash, just curious about any hurdles you might have had with this?
None at all. It was a straight pndconfigure/make-thingy. To be honest, it's one of my easiest ports at all, thanks to Yactfeau. :)

Because i wanted the avfs-support included, i had to build avfs first, and then gave it to the pndconfigure of Worker like this:

pndconfigure --with-avfs-path=/mnt/utmp/worker/bin/

That's really all. What errors did you encounter?
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I thin I used to use some free version they gave away on the cover of Amiga Format, so who knows what one that might have been! (yes I am old) :P

I think you'll find that was v4 although I had it installed way before it was given away so I can't be sure. I do know I tried Dopus Magellan (was that v5?) and didn't like it compared to 4.