Port Request For Boloid - Best Arkanoid Ever


Still Fresh
Oct 2, 2008
Who ever owned an Atari ST will remember that Meinolf Schneider from Dongleware programmed some really cool games in the 80s. One was Oxyd which survived as Enigma on all platforms.

The other one was Bolo, an arkanoid clone where the bat was directly controlled by the mouse in any direction, not only left and right like in "classic" arkanoid.

I googled really hard to find a clone and finally found boloid, an abandoned linux project of 2006 hosted by sourceforge, where the last contribution was 1500 days in the past.

I was able to fix the sourcecode compile errors and could supply the sourcecode and a binary for ubuntu to the true game developers here with that should be playable on any ubuntu pc just to get the idea of the game.

As I cannot really write or code games, I would love to see someone continuing with boloid, its based on SDL and should easily compile on pandora.

The archive is 5MB large, therefore I cannot upload it to the beta corner. If you are seriously interested in the tarball, send me a mail to haukehess at my gmail account.

Best regards,
You mean this:


No need to compile the source with that one as it comes with a linux binary :-)

I like the game, looks like it has potential (only played 2 levels)

Once I get LemmingsSDL running on the Pandora, it _should_ be simple to get this running too. If so, I'll try!