[Poll] What's best in the P1 - What should the P2 have?

Your top 5 features (choose 5)

  • Hardware Keyboard

    Votes: 87 86.1%
  • Real Linux (not locked/dumbed down)(not android)

    Votes: 84 83.2%
  • Game controls (also known as pointer control, scroll nub, arrow keys, mouse buttons)

    Votes: 79 78.2%
  • Full USB host

    Votes: 46 45.5%
  • 10h Battery life

    Votes: 82 81.2%
  • SDXC slots

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • screen resolution>200ppi

    Votes: 17 16.8%
  • Clamshellyness

    Votes: 30 29.7%
  • Resistive touchscreen

    Votes: 21 20.8%
  • Great sound quality

    Votes: 27 26.7%
  • External GPIO pins (for hardware hacking)

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters

I don't have a problem with Android on a P2, or Linux drivers/support being a pain (and taking many volunteer-hours to produce a decent port). Is there any clarification over what would happen should the (suitably skilled members of) community produce (properly) working Linux for the P2, during its lifespan? Will it be officially recognized/distributed?

If there is clarification I will read it.

If there were the possibility of officially recognized Linux (when/if someone volunteered to do the work) I would be happy. :)
I will not be using Android on the P2 if it comes out, My Phone and the ICP would essentially fill the same role if I was limited to just Android...
having real linux is good but if anyone can do it is something to consider.

having android and real linux together in one device will be best idea ever.
I wouldn't have ordered a pandora 1 without linux support, since it was one of the largest arguments for me for buying it.

If pandora 2 would be another one of those crappy Android devices I would never buy it. Don't get me wrong, but having running Android on the pandora would not be bad, since there are other people who would enjoy it. But leaving out Linux support would be the worst thing to do.
I think locking down the P2 to any OS would be counter-intuitive to the name of OpenPandora. I think it would be awesome if it was capable of running any OS you so choose, android, linux, Windows Mobile, whatever.
I think locking down the P2 to any OS would be counter-intuitive to the name of OpenPandora. I think it would be awesome if it was capable of running any OS you so choose, android, linux, Windows Mobile, whatever.

Assuming reasonably standard hardware, the P2 could probably run any mobile OS.

Problem is that with ARM devices the OS always needs tweaking & poking to suit the hardware.

It could probably run iOS or Win8 but Only if their respective developers played along!

Certainly locking it down would be a bad idea, but for a niche device we are always going to be limited to free software (mostly Linux variants).

I think the issue here is whether or not official support will be given to other operating systems.
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Actually, ARM devices running Microsoft Windows 8 are required by Microsoft to be locked down in order to prevent other OSes from ever being installed!

But when win8 is authorized for the P2, MS will let us multi-boot and modify the source. You might also spot some airborne porcines while you're at it!
I really love everything about the P1.

As far as thing it's missing?

Front and/or back camera(s).

A microsd card slot addition possibly.

L2/R2 buttons.

2-Point touch resistive screen would be nice.

Motion controls, especially if emulation can bring us as far as DS games (I'm dreaming).

And that's about the only things I can think of that the P2 could really use that the current model doesn't already have, and none of those things are really deal breakers either.
^ Why would you need motion controls for DS games? :P The DS hasn't got any motion gear in it - the 3DS does.

I wouldn't mind a camera in it, myself, either, come to think of it...
^ Why would you need motion controls for DS games? :P The DS hasn't got any motion gear in it - the 3DS does.

I wouldn't mind a camera in it, myself, either, come to think of it...

Oh right, silly me. :P

You can scratch that one off the list then.

Unless people can think of another practical use for it.