Pocketsnes With Sa-1 Support:super Mario Rpg.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
HeadOverHeels has released a new version with SA-1 support and with "Speedhacks" of "SnesAdvance" support.

This is an Alpha, so is much less compatible and slower than previous versions.

This version is only recommended to play Super Mario RPG, is not a substitute for the previous version.

When you launch Super Mario RPG must appear a "speedhacks loading" message, if you cannot see that the game is not loading correctly.

If you overclock to 260 you can play SMRPG between 20-40 fps.

This version also supports Kirby's Dreamland, Kirby Superstar & Parodius 3 , but they are too slow.You can try to add the specific speedhacks for each of these games to improve performance.You have to edit snesadvance.dat and add the specific hacks that you want, it is text file. You can get that hacks in this forum http://boards.pocketheaven.com/viewt...8ed186b4134369

You must check that the rom you use is the same that has been added to the snesadvance.dat
First value in every line is the CRC, that must be the same of your rom.

Enjoy it :) !

Megaupload is working for me.Try again, you need to wait 45 seconds after put the 3 letters.

Anyway is you are registered in GP32Spain you can download from there.
Okay, why not just support the "superdat.txt" file from SNESAdvance for *all* available speed hacks in the regular version of PocketSNES?
Loads of effort had been put into making that list and they seem to work well for the GBA... so why not use them for our GP2x?

Surely this has to be worth a shot? Could have an option in the menu to enable/disable speedhack per game.
snesadvance.dat is included :)

If you are talking about that ;)

Anyway, that speedhacks in some cases cause some games to have graphical glitches so, i think is better to use last oficial version for the most of the games, you can try yourself both and compare.If you get graphical problems with sneadvance.dat better use the normal version.

Here is the SNES Advance Compatibility List :

slaanesh said:
Oh I see, so this new version does support the snesadvance.dat file for all games listed in that file. I see.

Very nice - I'll give it a try tonight. Thanks!
I don´t know that, but if you read while loading "speedhacks loading" or something like this i supposse that it will affect that concrete game.

But, the 3 games i have named (2 Kirby games and Parodious 3) are not included in the dat, so you all can try to edit the dat and see how it affect the game.
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Rivroner said:
Megaupload is working for me.Try again, you need to wait 45 seconds after put the 3 letters.

Anyway is you are registered in GP32Spain you can download from there.
Yeah, I know how MegaUpload works, I just got a message "Download not available at this time" yesterday. :P Oddly I can still download from GP32Spain even though I don't have an account there.
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Any experiences on how stuff runs?

Some stuff makes absolutely no difference, whereas some stuff is worse.

Earthbound runs considerably better in this version with the SuperDAT fixes. Chrono Trigger has some weird sound problem, and I think it runs a bit slower, but I'm not sure.

Anyone try Secret of Mana? I haven't even tried Super Mario RPG, though I should...
This version is just a beta, Everything works better in previous version except SA1, in this version as headoverheels said arm code was substituted by C code, if someone could help headoverheels with arm assembler code we could get perfect snes :lol: (he said on gp32spain that he isn't good working with arm code, and unless someone helps him SA1 won't be merged to the stable emu)
Xabier said:
This version is just a beta, Everything works better in previous version except SA1, in this version as headoverheels said arm code was substituted by C code, if someone could help headoverheels with arm assembler code we could get perfect snes :lol: (he said on gp32spain that he isn't good working with arm code, and unless someone helps him SA1 won't be merged to the stable emu)
That´s correct :)

This version is only to run Super Mario RPG or SA-1 Stuff, but ,except SMRPG, the rest of SA-1 Stuff is running too much slow.
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I finally tried it out. Very nice. Thanks HeadOverHeels. :lol:

I hope it would be improved further. :)
Mr. Ksoft said:
Works fine from Gmenu2x for me.
How did you install it? I just overwrote the files in my pocketsnes installation.
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