PNDs not running


Aug 26, 2012
So, got my Pandora from EvilDragon today (yay!). Got Wifi working. Set it up for GUI switching (although for some reason Minimenu didn't work until I'd suspended and switched a few times (previously it was bombing out at the login screen; Xfce was no problems)).

However, whilst I've download apps via the PNDStore to the SD card (into /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu), they don't appear in minimenu or Xfce ... and trying to execute them from the File Manager doesn't do anything...

Am I missing something?



P.S. The card was pre-formatted FAT32, so I just did the setup card option, not format. The Pandora appears to read the card fine and it knows they are executable files.

P.P.S. There was a mention somewhere of naming the card to keep the location the same... I think .... hmm
try putting them in pandora/menu

or just try unmounting,removing card, and putting it back in. or even a reboot
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Unmounting and remounting made them show up.

Some error about no mounting the PND with a file to look at for the error ... I'll take a look there.
EDIT: prob solved!
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Formatted the SD Card as VFAT on the pandora, and now it appears to be installing and running everything ok. Problem solved:  :)
Somewhat weird, the 32GB card formatted as 1GB ... copied the Pandora folder off, reformatted as FAT on my Mac, copied the Pandora folder back on and all is well. I love PNDs :-)
If you fornatted it on the Pandora with this prepare sd program, there is a bug in that. Update the os with the updater application in the system menu or format the card on a pc.
Somewhat weird, the 32GB card formatted as 1GB ... copied the Pandora folder off, reformatted as FAT on my Mac, copied the Pandora folder back on and all is well. I love PNDs :-)
If you formatted this on the Pandora there was a recent bug fix that resolved that odd 1GB issue, If you have a recent version of the firmware, run the update Pandora OS tool in system menu. it should pick up the fix.