PNDs and networking - help, it doens't work at all!


Jan 11, 2010
Hi, I just received my Pandora this morning (and started a thread in GD not long after), and overall it seems really good. However, I'm having a couple of problems:

1: PNDs don't work unless I run them manually with pnd_run. Someone said something about the right directory, but I don't know what the right directory is.

2: Networking doesn't work. I can't even ping myself - yet, for some reason, I can get on the network via WiFi. I can't use it - can't ping in or out, can't load a page or anything, yet I appear to be on the network. When I ifconfig and iwconfig, everything appears normal, but when I try and ping I get network unreachable, or timeouts. What is wrong, and how can I fix it?
I can't help with the WiFi issue, but what you need to do with PNDs is this: Create a directory in the root of your SD Card called pandora and inside that one create directories named desktop (putting PNDs here will place them on the desktop), menu (putting PNDs here will make them appear in Xfce's menu), apps (putting PNDs here will make them appear both in the menu and on the desktop), and appdata (applications will create various bits of save data here - you don't strictly have to create it yourself, but you may as well do so since you're here making the others :P ).

This, and many other such things, is also covered in the Unofficial User Manual, as well. ;)
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OK, putting them there seemed to work, now I've got some software. Thanks, guys.

But networking is still an issue. Like I said, WiFi in an of itself doesn't seem to have any problems, but networking itself doesn't seem to want to work, at all. I always get network/host unreachable, unless I've got WiFi turned on; then I get timeouts.
Can you do a ping localhost?

I just tried, and that works fine.

If it doesn't work, you probably should do a full reflash, as it means that the first boot hasn't finished properly (and therefore, permissions aren't properly setup).
Can you do a ping localhost?

I just tried, and that works fine.

If it doesn't work, you probably should do a full reflash, as it means that the first boot hasn't finished properly (and therefore, permissions aren't properly setup).
Oh, sh.... ucks. ping localhost doesn't work either, after pinging my other laptop, that was the first thing I tried.

I thought I'd need to reflash, just looking into it now. That's upsetting, but never mind. Not like I haven't flashed a device before, but I wasn't wanting to do it.

Right, reflashed successfully, networking works now, thanks very much :)

Can I ask how if there's a way to enable the text-only consoles? When I've got gcc (and everything else) installed, I'd like to be able to code and compile on a non-graphical terminal (graphical stuff distracts me).
Nope. Part-way through updating, communication collapsed. It's pinging now, as well as getting onto wireless, but not letting me access the Internet.
Nope. Part-way through updating, communication collapsed. It's pinging now, as well as getting onto wireless, but not letting me access the Internet.
There is a problem with DNS names not being given to the pandora correctly. Try going to (google) in your browser and see if that works.
Nope. Part-way through updating, communication collapsed. It's pinging now, as well as getting onto wireless, but not letting me access the Internet.
There is a problem with DNS names not being given to the pandora correctly. Try going to (google) in your browser and see if that works.
I remember having a problem like that with my NanoNote, I fixed it by putting a nameserver ( - Google's nameserver - if I remember right)'s IP address into a file in /etc or something. Would that fix this?

Anyway, that didn't work, sorry. I pung it and tried it in Fx, but it just said 'no.' I'm not surprized, to be honest.

It did work with my NanoNote before, I wired it up (would that be the world's smallest network?), and ssh'd into it.
Does it find any networks if WiFi is enabled and you can't connect or doesn't it find any?
Does it find any networks if WiFi is enabled and you can't connect or doesn't it find any?
Yes. It's like before you told me to reflash it, but this time I can ping myself and I can ssh to my NanoNote (ethernet over USB).

EDIT: It appears that it can connect for a minute or so, and then lose itself without realizing it has done.
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