PNDManager users, what's your "Menu navigation" setting?


Advanced Member
Mar 17, 2009
The title almost says it all, I'm wondering how people are using PNDManager's "Menu navigation" setting. Have you changed it? What's your button preference?

I'd be happy if you took part in the poll, and/or articulated your thoughts below.

If you're wondering about the background of this question, read about flipBX and FunKeyMonkey.
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I never saw a reason to change it.  Also, by the time the option was added to change it I was well used to the default navigation settings and reversing them would just have been confusing.

Never really thought about that before.  I'm fairly adaptable where it comes to a new game or application.  That being said, (B) to confirm (being the button on the right) does feel pretty natural to me.

I am using the default because I am lazy.  I noticed that when I got used to certain button locations in a diamond having a certain function on a console or game(s) that it took me a minute to adjust if they were different with something else.  My suggestion for future choices related to this are pretty useless: Either go with functions in locations where they are most often across consoles, go with what you are already using, or go with what makes the most sense to you.  Basically that amounts to "pick buttons for a reason", but they all have some validity.  I would probably pick the most widely used console locations if I made the choice, not that I recall those atm.
Slightly off-topic. but I have some requests for Bzar to improve the PNDmanager.

The 1st is to add the ability to see where (in which category/subcategory) in the menu a PND is installed. 

2nd Is to add a filter in the manager to show only installed PND's, not installed PND's and both  in the category screen. I know there's the 'Installed' screen but it hasn't got the category dividing so with the amount of PND's I have installed it is sometimes a long search or scroll-down if I want to look something up. Maybe with the said filter in place the installed screen could be removed completely or be transformed to some sort of log page with installed/updated dates? Though I like it's download progress bars.

3rd, I use the manager windowed which screws up the 'installing' and download rate lines (they run through each other) It's pure cosmetic but it would be a nice fix ;)

4th, is a small bug(?) when I switch networks with the pndmanager running it will not update even though the internet connection is fine. I have to quit and restart the manager to get it to update again.

As far as the standard button layout is concerned, it's fine for me the way it is. :)
So is it safe to assume most people use the defaults, or do we not have enough voters yet?