Talking to the GPIO's on the EXT-connector

However, every now and then, some gibberish appears. Could these be kernel messages that are being sent to /dev/ttyS0 perhaps? If so, is there a way to turn that off?
yup, documented it a bit here:

It most likely prevents minicom from working properly.
This is really helpful. First thing I thought was "How could I have missed that?", then I saw the date the page was modified. Thanks!

I disabled both the kernel messages (autoboot.txt) and the attached terminal (/etc/inittab). Still not getting any uart-love on the loopback. I'll try some more later. Didn't run out of all options yet.

Also, never underestimate the probability of me doing it wrong.
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@panik: I'm watching You :-) Though I haven't time to hacking HW I like to see some nice Pandora EXT board. I think that reasonable is:

- Keep UART3 for serial communication. Add configurable (jumpers, wire shorts, trace scratch) level shifting

- Convert UART2 lines as galvanically separated 4 inputs/outputs - on board clamps that allow attach button or switched device (LED, motor...)

(GPIO 145..147)          ___

  ^---[optocoupler]===+--o o----------< (GND/Vcc - whatever is need to get button works)


                      |    ,----------< (external pover for device)


                           `-(device)-> (GND)
Thanks, peca! :)

The biggest problem is interfacing the 1.8V on the PGIO's on the ext-connector. Most IC's and microcontrollers expect input and output to be 5V. That's 'standard' TTL-level.

My current setup is like this (except the 1.8V is coming from the voltage regulator that is powered by 5V, in stead of the Pandora):

Pandora     TXB0106      outside circuit

  |            |                |

  V            V                V


+1.8V ------|      |--- +3.3 / +5V

            |      |

GPIO_145 ---|      |--- <--->   \

GPIO_147 ---|      |--- <--->   |

GPIO_144 ---|      |--- <--->   |--> 3.3V / 5V GPIOs

GPIO_166 ---|      |--- <--->   |

GPIO_146 ---|      |--- <--->   |

GPIO_165 ---|      |--- <--->   /

            |      |

            |      |--+---> GND

            +------+  |

GND ------------------+

The nice thing about the TXB0106 is that it's bi-directional. You don't have to think beforehand if a GPIO is going to be an input or an output. Simply put 1.8V on a pin on the Pandora-side, and out comes 5V on the other side. Put 5V on an 'outside circuit'-pin, and out comes 1.8V on the Pandora-side. The TXB0106 figures out what to do with it. The rest can be handled in software. By comparison, an opto-coupler is 'one-way' only (typically an output).

There are 'reasonable' solutions to think of, but then the converter-board would contain a lot of components and jumper-pins. But yes, that would probably work :)

An opto-coupler can't switch fast enough to do serial communication over it though, and the UART3 needs voltage-level-shifting to 5V (or 3.3V) anyway, to be able to talk to a microcontroller or (non-SMD) MAX232 chip to convert it further up and down to +/- 12V (or +/-20V, what is it?).

I'm also eager to try bit-banging IC's from the Pandora in software. Shift-registers for example, are pretty neat to play with (serial in -> parallel out or parallel in -> serial out). This would be more educational than functional (or useful) though... It's all about fun and learning, as far as I'm concerned... ;)
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I didn't have an real play with electronic about 20 25 - 30 years (yeah NAND and NOR logic was everything we was have in those days, even LEDs just starts and was amazingly expensive :-) )... So I place my idea more as a sketch than real design. If this TXB0106 makes all work for as, it will be fine.

I think that UART3 could be keep separated and only level shifted. AFAIK - RS232 is +/- 12 V, but it could be fine if 3.3 V and 5 V will be possible just by jumpers. I mean - if somebody like attach some MCU (AVR, PIC,...) it could comunicate on TTL or CMOS levels and not need double shift (to 12 V and from 12 V). But possibility of standard DB9 connector will be cute :-)

If possible to design board in such way that it could carry 4 buttons together with 4 LEDs which works only from Pandora's power source (we could borrow some from USB port at worst - dirty trick but up to 0.5 A / 5 V) and as option could carry clamps for strong external power and 4 outputs for stepper motors it will be neat.


I don't know You skill but if You need help I can contact some HW hackers that I'm in touch with. I am out of play due to out of spare time.
I think that UART3 could be keep separated and only level shifted. AFAIK - RS232 is +/- 12 V, but it could be fine if 3.3 V and 5 V will be possible just by jumpers. I mean - if somebody like attach some MCU (AVR, PIC,...) it could comunicate on TTL or CMOS levels and not need double shift (to 12 V and from 12 V). But possibility of standard DB9 connector will be cute :-)
On the "official" breakoutboard, it's a MAX3381E that handles the level shifting on the UARTs. Some of it bypasses the TXB0104 on the board. The MAX3381E is an SMD-part that can handle lower voltages (according to the datasheet from +2.35V to 5.5V, my guess is it uses 2.8V). But I don't *fully* understand the schematics. There are a lot of jumpers that complicate things, and I'm easily distracted.

I'm mostly after communicating with a microcontroller over UART and having the ability to use them as a 'normal' GPIO for direct access. If we want to use any standard DIP-package RS232 chip to translate it from 5V to compatible levels for a DB9 connector it would need shifting again, yes. I don't know how bad this is. But bypassing it completely seems like a loss too great to me. It could be jumpered, as you say. Interesting...

I don't know You skill but if You need help I can contact some HW hackers that I'm in touch with. I am out of play due to out of spare time.
I stumble as I go along. Learning from failures made by wrong assumptions and stupidity in general. I hope much smarter people than me will tell me when I'm wrong. This is, after all, the internet. :) Thanks for the offer, I know where to find you! I'm definitely going to need help, but don't know where yet.

Also, Exophase explained here how to get the built-in pull-up resistors working on the GPIO's. I wouldn't know where to start.

And in other (awesome) news: WizardStan's ext-connectors arrived! Yay!
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"Mr. Negative Blinky" (UART2_CTS/GPIO_144/PWM9) is really acting up. Whenever I run the blinky-script on GPIO 144, it blinks from -1.8V to 0V. But the power-pin ALSO "blinks" from 0 to 2.8V. When I stop the script, there's 1.0V on the power-pin, until I reboot. Then it's back to normal (2.8V). I'm staying away from it for now, but something seems really wrong. I'd appreciate it if someone can confirm this behavior of GPIO 144.

This might have been what was making the 1.8V regulator act up, while I was trying to power it from the pandora. That would be the good news. Needs double-checking though.

I've drawn up a pinout of the TinyBoB's, as seen from the top, when plugged into a Pandora. More of a note to myself: It's the same pin-out as the IDC-pins, seen from the top. Board horizontal, pins on the right.

Disclaimer: Always assume that what you read on the internet is WRONG.

EDIT: Guess what? It IS wrong! See peca's post below. I better hide it.

|                                                   |

|                      Pandora                      |


                     |   EXT   |


         LINE OUT R |o         o| LINE OUT L

     UART2_RX / 147 |  o     o  | 144 / UART2_CTS

    UART2_RTS / 145 |o         o| 166 / UART3_TX

     UART2_TX / 146 |  o     o  | 165 / UART3_RX

          LINE IN L |o         o| LINE IN R

              +2.8V |  o     o  | GND

       TV OUT 2 (C) |o___|^|___o| TV OUT 1 (Y)


I think you're right peca, about wanting the option of bypassing the TXB0106 for the UART(s). Having a better look at the data-sheet of the MAX3381 on the official breakout board, it takes voltages from +1.65 to +5.5V. I better try to get that one working first, by communicating with it at 1.8V. Things are probably also easier to debug that way. We could also use something like an FTDI, and plug in a USB-cable, in stead of a DB9 connector.

Is there a way to "trigger" kernel messages that are being sent to ttyS0? Then I would at least know for sure the feedback loop is working. I may have seen gibberish a couple of times, I can't replicate it.
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|                                                   |

|                      Pandora                      |


                     |   EXT   |


         LINE OUT R |o         o| LINE OUT L

     UART2_RX / 147 |  o     o  | 144 / UART2_CTS

    UART2_RTS / 145 |o         o| 166 / UART3_TX

     UART2_TX / 146 |  o     o  | 165 / UART3_RX

          LINE IN L |o         o| LINE IN R

              +2.8V |  o     o  | GND

       TV OUT 2 (C) |o___|^|___o| TV OUT 1 (Y)

It is WRONG - or my cables work by miracle because I'm using different pinout...

EDIT: seen from the top, when plugged into a Pandora:

|                                                   |

|                      Pandora                      |


                     |   EXT   |


         LINE OUT R |o         o| TV OUT 1 (Y)

     UART2_RX / 147 |  o     o  | GND

    UART2_RTS / 145 |o         o| LINE IN R

     UART2_TX / 146 |  o     o  | 165 / UART3_RX

          LINE IN L |o         o| 166 / UART3_TX

              +2.8V |  o     o  | 144 / UART2_CTS

       TV OUT 2 (C) |o___|^|___o| LINE OUT L


You swap order on right side. This should explain why You have such issue with GPIO 144 :-)



...We could also use something like an FTDI, and plug in a USB-cable, in stead of a DB9 connector...
Err... You mean that we have an USB port ([mini/micro]B socket) attached to EXT port and it could be connected to any USB host and provide serial communication (with serial/USB conversion out of the box)?
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It is WRONG - or my cables work by miracle because I'm using different pinout...

EDIT: seen from the top, when plugged into a Pandora:

|                                                   |

|                      Pandora                      |


                     |   EXT   |


         LINE OUT R |o         o| TV OUT 1 (Y)

     UART2_RX / 147 |  o     o  | GND

    UART2_RTS / 145 |o         o| LINE IN R

     UART2_TX / 146 |  o     o  | 165 / UART3_RX

          LINE IN L |o         o| 166 / UART3_TX

              +2.8V |  o     o  | 144 / UART2_CTS

       TV OUT 2 (C) |o___|^|___o| LINE OUT L


You swap order on right side. This should explain why You have such issue with GPIO 144 :-)

LOL, am I glad I posted it here. It would have taken me another week scratching my head!

It's true what people say about assuming things :)

And yes, it DOES solve all issues with GPIO 144. Thank you *so* much. :D

...We could also use something like an FTDI, and plug in a USB-cable, in stead of a DB9 connector...
Err... You mean that we have an USB port ([mini/micro]B socket) attached to EXT port and it could be connected to any USB host and provide serial communication (with serial/USB conversion out of the box)?
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
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...We could also use something like an FTDI, and plug in a USB-cable, in stead of a DB9 connector...
Err... You mean that we have an USB port ([mini/micro]B socket) attached to EXT port and it could be connected to any USB host and provide serial communication (with serial/USB conversion out of the box)?
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
So, it will be good for Pandora - PC communication. Heh it could be useful for emulating serial device which I don't have but need debug client SW on PC :-) But for communication with other serial device (ie Arduino) it be better to have only level shifting, isn't it?
My laptop also doesn't have a serial port (PC does). Then the only option is USB.

And for Arduino we need the 1.8V <-> 5.0V conversion, yes. Other microcontrollers might run on anything from 1.8V to 5.5V usually. It would be possible to run a microcontroller on 1.8V and not need any conversion. That's another reason to want the ability to bypass the TXB0106.

Good thing you're watching me. :)
Hmmm. Yes. This makes much more sense.

I'm able to remotely login on my Pandora using a MAX232N (on 5.0V) and a DB9 connector in the serial port on my PC. There's still some 'gibberish' characters, so it's obviously not 100%. This could be the 'double-shifting' (1.8V to 5V to +/- 12V). Either that, or wrong/missing capacitors. The 1.8V regulator has the 1uF caps now.

I'll try to get the MAX3381 going, bypassing the TXB0106. See if that works better. Hopefully some more SSOP-DIP converter boards are coming early next week.

Still, (small) success! :D
I have noticed that both Snes9x4 and PCSX ReARMed both recognize "gpio-keys" as an input device. Does anyone know anything about this?
However, every now and then, some gibberish appears. Could these be kernel messages that are being sent to /dev/ttyS0 perhaps? If so, is there a way to turn that off?
yup, documented it a bit here:

It most likely prevents minicom from working properly.
This documentation seems to do the job. I can happily enable and disable the kernel messages (autoboot.txt), as well as the 'attached terminal' (/etc/inittab). Both at the same time, or individualy. It just works as expected. Rebooting inbetween of course.

However, my Pandora doesn't boot up (from cold start) when both the kernel messages are disabled AND the terminal is detached. When I turn the Pandora on, I have to remove the SD-card to disable autoboot.txt and reset the Pandora. Once it's booted, rebooting is not a problem. I waited 5 minutes staring at a Pandora-logo on a black screen, then gave up. I triple-checked.

With everything disabled, I can talk to my PC in minicom from the pandora in minicom. This works really well. No gibberish. "Hellollo PC". "Oh, hellollo pandora!". :)

With the terminal attached, I can also login from the PC. There's gibberish inbetween though. See below.

From minicom on my PC during boot-up of Pandora (terminal detached, kernel messages enabled (iirc)):

Welcome to minicom 2.4


Compiled on Jan 25 2010, 06:49:09.

Port /dev/ttyS0

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys              

Texas0Ins|rumentsLoading u-Starting St                                    


NAND: 512 *** Warning -5In:  Die ID #281Hit anymmc1 is reading    

** UnaLoadingFailed to mount ext2ѕ5Creating UBI: UBI: attacUBIF e

## Boot͕OK                                                                    

   Loading KernelVOK                                                         

OK                                                                             1


INIT:version 2                                                                ]

Starting kernelUncompress....................................................

[21040.2[21040.2[21 p1                                                        

Loading /eStarting udev                                                        

[21047.[21+Սy5[21051.783325]5[210[21051.848114] F  s


[21054.[21054.665130] UѕALSA: RStarting OpenPcat: /etc/usage: [2105 .


INIT: Entering๱ٕStartingdbus.                                               

StartingConfigurin  pan  pandor  pandora:>ke  pandora::power:[  pandor.

Starting\nOP_STAStartingStarting Starting PVR                            


Edit: while waiting on a non-booting Pandora, the word 'Syntax' is the last word I see.

Edit2: spoilertags.
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I have noticed that both Snes9x4 and PCSX ReARMed both recognize "gpio-keys" as an input device. Does anyone know anything about this?
It is reasonable. Some "standard" Pandora's keys are just GPIOs (shoulder buttons, D-Pad, ABXY, Select, Start and Pandora key at least). So - it is reasonable that other GPIOs could be recognized as other keys... It is just my guessing - Notaz, MWeston, EvilDragon or some other Pandora developer could confirm this.
It is reasonable. Some "standard" Pandora's keys are just GPIOs (shoulder buttons, D-Pad, ABXY, Select, Start and Pandora key at least). So - it is reasonable that other GPIOs could be recognized as other keys... It is just my guessing - Notaz, MWeston, EvilDragon or some other Pandora developer could confirm this.
Yup, but only on-board GPIOs are mapped by default, not the ext port ones. Maybe I could make that configurable somehow too.

Not sure about non-booting pandora with terminal detached, would need to check..
Yup, but only on-board GPIOs are mapped by default, not the ext port ones. Maybe I could make that configurable somehow too.
I would hope someone would instead do something that would allow ext port gpio buttons to be used in any application.
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The TXB0106 needed two 0.1uF decoupling capacitors. It couldn't handle the noise. It's perfect now:

Welcome to minicom 2.4


Compiled on Jan 25 2010, 06:49:09.

Port /dev/ttyS0

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys              

Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.2 (Dec 13 2009 - 16:05:26)

OpenPandora System 

Loading u-boot.bin from NAND

Starting Stage 2 Bootloader...

U-Boot 2010.03-dirty (Jan 17 2011 - 15:11:42)

OMAP3530-GP ES2.1, CPU-OPP2 L3-165MHz


I2C:   ready

DRAM:  256 MB

NAND:  512 MiB                                                                  

*** Warning - bad CRC or NAND, using default environment                        

In:    serial                                                                   

Out:   serial                                                                   

Err:   serial                                                                   

Die ID #281a00020000000004031anonymous                                        

Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                

mmc1 is available                                                               

reading autoboot.txt                                                            

93 bytes read                                                                   

## Executing plain script at 82000000                                           

Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nand0":                                           

0x000000280000-0x000000c80000 : "mtd=3"                                         

UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0                                                     

UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)                         

UBI: logical eraseblock size:    129024 bytes                                   

UBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048                                           

UBI: sub-page size:              512                                            

UBI: VID header offset:          512 (aligned 512)                              

UBI: data offset:                2048                                           

UBI: attached mtd1 to ubi0                                                      

UBI: MTD device name:            "mtd=3"                                        

UBI: MTD device size:            10 MiB                                         

UBI: number of good PEBs:        80                                             

UBI: number of bad PEBs:         0                                              

UBI: max. allowed volumes:       128                                            

UBI: wear-leveling threshold:    4096                                           

UBI: number of internal volumes: 1                                              

UBI: number of user volumes:     1                                              

UBI: available PEBs:             0                                              

UBI: total number of reserved PEBs: 80                                          

UBI: number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 2                            

UBI: max/mean erase counter: 89/52                                              

UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "boot"                              

UBIFS: mounted read-only                                                        

UBIFS: file system size:   8386560 bytes (8190 KiB, 7 MiB, 65 LEBs)             

UBIFS: journal size:       1032193 bytes (1008 KiB, 0 MiB, 6 LEBs)              

UBIFS: media format:       w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0)                              

UBIFS: default compressor: LZO                                                  

UBIFS: reserved for root:  414470 bytes (404 KiB)                               

Loading file 'uImage' to addr 0x82000000 with size 2329224 (0x00238a88)...      


## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 82000000 ...                             

   Image Name:   Angstrom/2.6.27-pandora+r24+git4                               

   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)                          

   Data Size:    2329160 Bytes =  2.2 MB                                        

   Load Address: 80008000                                                       

   Entry Point:  80008000                                                       

   Verifying Checksum ... OK                                                    

   Loading Kernel Image ... OK                                                  


Starting kernel ...                                                             

Uncompressing Linux.............................................................


|       |                  .-.                                                  

|   |   |-----.-----.-----.| |   .----..-----.-----.                            

|       |     | __  |  ---'| '--.|  .-'|     |     |                            

|   |   |  |  |     |---  ||  --'|  |  |  '  | | | |                            

'---'---'--'--'--.  |-----''----''--'  '-----'-'-'-'                            

                -'  |                                                           


The Angstrom Distribution pandora ttyS0                                         

Angstrom 2010.4-test-20100627 pandora ttyS0                                     

pandora login: panik                                                              


pandora:~$ cd /                                                                 

pandora:/$ ls -la                                                               

total 0                                                                         

drwxr-xr-x 16 root root  1184 Apr 23 20:30 .                                    

drwxr-xr-x 16 root root  1184 Apr 23 20:30 ..                                   

drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  9104 Apr 23 02:28 bin                                  

drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   304 Mar  4 14:46 boot                                 

drwxr-xr-x 11 root root  3300 Jul 25 23:01 dev                                  

drwxr-xr-x 55 root root  8592 Jul 24 14:42 etc                                  

drwxr-xr-x  4 root root   288 Apr 24 23:22 home                                 

drwxr-xr-x  5 root root  3768 Mar 25  2010 lib                                  

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root    12 Mar  4 11:37 linuxrc -> /bin/busybox              

drwxr-xr-x 12 root root   896 Jul 25 23:01 media                                

drwxr-xr-x  5 root root   608 Apr 23 01:37 mnt                                  

drwxr-xr-x  3 root root   224 Apr 23 20:30 pandora                              

dr-xr-xr-x 71 root root     0 Jan  1  1970 proc                                 

drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 11576 May 13 01:52 sbin                                 

drwxr-xr-x 11 root root     0 Jan  1  1970 sys                                  

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     8 Apr 23 03:27 tmp -> /var/tmp                      

drwxr-xr-x 14 root root   952 Apr 23  2009 usr                                  

drwxr-xr-x  8 root root   952 May 13 01:50 var                                  


Having the option of bypassing the TXB0106 is still a good idea and I will definitely do that, but I'm happy as it is with a MAX232N (DIP-package) board and the 'double-shifting' to talk to the PC. I'll try the FTDI/USB route in a while, bypassing the TXB0106.

I've been reading some analog data from an AVR (@5.0V) as well. Neat! :D
Not sure about non-booting pandora with terminal detached, would need to check..
I'm sorry. Triple-checking isn't enough when I do it. After quadruple-checking, I think the problem is only in the autoboot.txt while cold-booting. It doesn't matter if the terminal is attached or not. Rebooting is never a problem. Also easily worked around:

- remove SD card

- turn on Pandora

- wait for Pandora-logo to disappear

- plug in SD card

- reboot (edit: added for clarity)

The last part of the sequence in minicom when it's not booting:

Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                

mmc1 is available                                                               

reading autoboot.txt                                                            

93 bytes read                                                                   

## Executing plain script at 82000000                                           

syntax error
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In case anyone's interested, here's what happens when you hold the right shoulderbutton and choose the bootoption 'Serial prompt'. I typed 3 commands: 'help', 'printenv' and 'reset'. You can find more on this by reading Beagleboard related material.

Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.2 (Dec 13 2009 - 16:05:26)

OpenPandora System 

Loading u-boot.bin from NAND

Starting Stage 2 Bootloader...

U-Boot 2010.03-dirty (Jan 17 2011 - 15:11:42)

OMAP3530-GP ES2.1, CPU-OPP2 L3-165MHz


I2C:   ready

DRAM:  256 MB

NAND:  512 MiB                                                                  

*** Warning - bad CRC or NAND, using default environment                        

In:    serial                                                                   

Out:   serial                                                                   

Err:   serial                                                                   

Die ID #281a00020000000004031anonymous                                          

No MMC card found                                                               

Pandora # help                                                                  

?       - alias for 'help'                                                      

base    - print or set address offset                                           

bdinfo  - print Board Info structure                                            

boot    - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'                                     

bootd   - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'                                     

bootm   - boot application image from memory                                    

chpart  - change active partition                                               

cls     - clear screen                                                          

cmp     - memory compare                                                        

coninfo - print console devices and information                                 

cp      - memory copy                                                           

crc32   - checksum calculation                                                  

echo    - echo args to console                                                  

editenv - edit environment variable                                             

exit    - exit script                                                           

ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem                               

ext2ls  - list files in a directory (default /)                                 

false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully                                            

fatinfo - print information about filesystem                                    

fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem                                

fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)                                 

go      - start application at address 'addr'                                   

help    - print command description/usage                                       

i2c     - I2C sub-system                                                        

imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image                                       

itest   - return true/false on integer compare                                  

loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)                       

loads   - load S-Record file over serial line                                   

loady   - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)                       

loop    - infinite loop on address range                                        

md      - memory display                                                        

mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)                             

mmc     - MMC sub-system                                                        

mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions                                          

mtest   - simple RAM read/write test                                            

mw      - memory write (fill)                                                   

nand    - NAND sub-system                                                       

nandecc - switch OMAP3 NAND ECC calculation algorithm                           

nboot   - boot from NAND device                                                 

nm      - memory modify (constant address)                                      

pmenu   - show pandora's boot menu                                              

printenv- print environment variables                                           

reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU                                              

run     - run commands in an environment variable                               

saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage                      

setenv  - set environment variables                                             

showvar - print local hushshell variables                                       

sleep   - delay execution for some time                                         

source  - run script from memory                                                

ssource - run script from memory (no header)                                    

test    - minimal test like /bin/sh                                             

true    - do nothing, successfully                                              

ubi     - ubi commands                                                          

ubifsload- load file from an UBIFS filesystem                                   

ubifsls - list files in a directory                                             

ubifsmount- mount UBIFS volume                                                  

usbinit - initialize USB                                                        

version - print monitor version                                                 

Pandora # printenv                                                              





bootargs=ubi.mtd=4 ubi.mtd=3 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw rootflags=bulK





Environment size: 357/131068 bytes                                              

Pandora # reset                                                                 

resetting ...

Make sure you backup anything important that's in your home directory on the NAND before you mess things up here. If you're an idiot (like me) it's easy to reflash, but... well, you know. I *did* have that back-up though. I may be an idiot, I'm not stupid. ;) That's what I'm telling myself anyway...

But that's enough about that UART3 for now. More testing needs to be done of the TXB0106 itself in a stand-alone environment. I'd rather damage a couple of $3,- ATmega's than my ext-port (Run it on 1.8V and pretend it's a Pandora).

I came across this topic on AVR-freaks, where user monkeytech links to this article, which seems above my level of understanding. I better start soldering and see it with my own eyes.

It might affect what we want going on in between the ext-connector and the TXB0106. Do we want the option of plugging in external pullup/pulldown resistors there?

If this gets too complicated (with a lot of jumpers that nobody understands/remembers), it might be easier to have the boards made that MWeston posted somewhere. I can't seem to find the post back, but here's a screenshot. I'm not sure if I am in the position to redistribute the files. It is the ultimate in flexibility though.


I much prefer this pinout to the ones on the TinyBoB's (as much as I love them). I *really* wanted the pinout to be more like the ext-connector itself. That's probably why I messed up so bad, I only looked at the ext-connector (OK, that was stupid).

This topic is also a must-read, with comments from the man himself.

Some other questions:

It's probably beyond my level of expertise to set up the GPIO's as interrupts, but it would be nice to know if that is even possible. Is it? The reference manual (warning: 26MB) is going over my head. I can barely understand the Atmel-series of datasheets. Microcontrollers are a lot easier to handle when there's not an OS that "gets in the way".

Also, from the Hacker's Manual:

- UART3 can also be configured for IrDA (Infrared Data Association) or CIR (Consumer Infrared Modes)
Remotely control the Pandora by InfraRed? How would we go about enabling this?
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It's probably beyond my level of expertise to set up the GPIO's as interrupts, but it would be nice to know if that is even possible. Is it? The reference manual (warning: 26MB) is going over my head. I can barely understand the Atmel-series of datasheets. Microcontrollers are a lot easier to handle when there's not an OS that "gets in the way".
Yeah it's possible, and instead of fighting the OS you could write a kernel module to handle those interrupts (some C skills required). Otherwise you'd need to patch the bootloader or write your own OS..

Remotely control the Pandora by InfraRed? How would we go about enabling this?
You'd need to find a suitable driver.