Still Fresh
Minimenu is a bit bonked as of Zaxxon Beta 3 and 4. PNDs placed in desktop or menu folders show up both in XFCE and minimenu.
The "mmenu" folder is ignored totally.
I don't know about mmenu and SuperZaxxon since you're not specific on what's happening for you (it should cause it to not show up in XFCE at all, only in MiniMenu), but I'm pretty sure putting a PND in /desktop or /menu also causing it to show up in MiniMenu is intended behavior. You control what you see in MiniMenu with MiniMenu's option to show/hide apps (though this doesn't work perfectly in HF6 at least; it doesn't seem to affect the "all" tab) rather than the directory structure.
I'm pretty sure it's intended behavior because otherwise it wouldn't be possible to have an app show up in both XFCE and MiniMenu without also cluttering your desktop with icons you never use (or, in the case of some, cluttering up the XFCE menu with items you never use).
Sorry for not being very specific here. I wrote about my issues in more details in some other threads:
I have the same issue. I don't think it's because of the SD card's label, although I haven't checked this yet.Minimenu doesn't detect PND files in my SD card's /pandora/mmenu/ directory, but it detects PNDs in /pandora/apps/ just fine. I think this is because my SD card has a custom directory name (ie. it isn't denoted as /media/mmcblk0p1/ or /media/mmcblk1p1/).
EDIT: I have tried rescanning applications multiple times, always with the same results.
I think it's more of an issue of minimenu configuration.
Notice that in the /etc/pandora/conf/mmenu.conf file in Beta 3 it's set to look for PNDs also in desktop and menu folders, which is kind of a contrary behavior to what's stated in the wiki.
I don't know how it has been in previous releases of the OS as I've got my Pandora just 2 days ago and flashed it to Beta 3 right on the spot.
After some fiddling with the settings in the .conf file, I managed to make minimenu discover PNDs located in /pandora/mmenu folder, although it still discovers apps located in /pandora/desktop and /pandora/menu folders (even when I disable it in the .conf file).
Does nobody else think of this as an issue or do you guys just keep everything in /pandora/apps and don't care?![]()
2. Make a /pandora folder on your SD card, and inside that create subfolders /desktop, /menu, /mmenu, and /apps. Explanation of these folders:
- PND files in /desktop appear on the XFCE desktop
- PND files in /menu appear in the XFCE menu
- PND files in /mmenu appear in Minimenu only
- PND files in /apps appear in both Minimenu, and on the XFCE desktop
3. Get your apps from (to start with, anyway. It's the primary location for up to date releases. There are other sources, worry about them later.)
That's it really. Drop your PNDs into the folder that suits you. And a couple of extra tips:
I think it's worth noting that this folder structure and PND auto-discovery doesn't really work like you wrote Gruso. At least not in the latest Super Zaxxons (tried in Betas 3 and 4).
At least for me it doesn't. I feel kinda awkward writing about this because it's not the first time I note on this issue on the boards, still got no answers, so I'm starting to feel like only I have this problem
Currently for me it works like so:
- PND files in /desktop appear on the XFCE desktop and in minimenu
- PND files in /menu appear in the XFCE menu and in minimenu
- PND files in /mmenu appear nowhere
- PND files in /apps appear in both Minimenu, and on the XFCE desktop
If one of the mods thinks that this post qualifies for it's own thread then please move it out of here.
I hope this helps
If it is indeed an intended behaviour, that PNDs from practically every "standard" folder apper in minimenu, then I think it should be noted so in the wiki.
I know that you can configure minimenu so that it doesn't look in the other folders, but currently such setting makes the interface practically devoid of PNDs, as it doesn't look into it's own "mmenu" folder at all.