Please help. Can't launch any .pnd's and I'm totally stumped!


Still Fresh
Aug 13, 2011
Hello All,

I'm totally stumped here. I just received a used first batch pandora (256mb of RAM, not the rebirth edition) today with the very first release of the official pandora OS (no hotfixes applied yet) and I can't seem to run any .pnd files on it no matter how hard I try.

First before updating anything I tried to launch opensonic and zelda: time to triumph multiple times and kept receiving the "unable to mount" error. I made sure I had all the files in the correct places on my sd card, but still no luck. I suspected this was because I wasn't using a "freshly formatted" sd card. So I proceeded to format my card with no problems. Then I put the files back on my sd card in the same directory (sd:/pandora/apps) and still no luck, same error.

Then I suspected it was because the firmware/OS was too outdated. From there I reflashed the unit to hotfix 5 (the full image route). On hotfix 5, I was still unable to launch any .pnd files, but this time, for a different reason. When I tried to launch them from the desktop (in XFCE), it would just open in Mousepad (which I guess is a common problem with hotfix 5). If I tried to launch them from the menu (down below in XFCE) nothing would happen. In the minimenu, it would just reboot minimenu everytime I tried to launch these ><.

From here, I went and reflashed to hotfix 6 (full image again) thinking this would do it, but another dead end. I'm still having the same exact issues as hotfix 5 :( . I'm almost tempted to try the latest superzaxxon beta, but I'm wondering if I'd just be wasting my time doing so. I mean, logically if you reflash/update the unit with a full image it should eradicate any settings/firmware issues, so I just don't get what the problem is. I've been at this since for several hours now and I've yet to make any progress.

If anyone has any suggestions or possible fixes for this, It would be much appreciated :) .
I would suggest upgrading to either Hotfix 7 Beta 1 or Super Zaxxon Beta 3.. Super Zaxxon is still fairly new, so there may be some issues.

Also have you tried putting the apps in /pandora/menu or /pandora/desktop ?
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I can see no reason why the FW version should make any difference, although the newer ones have some nicer features and some PNDs may require them, or work better due to the touchscreen improvements (such as drawing apps). I keep HF4 on NAND and it runs everything fine.

What would be more useful is checking your directory structure and the output of a failed PND when it wont run.

You'll find this by going to the Filemanager Thunar and clicking on Filesystem in the left hand tree structure, then searching for the pndrun_(PND you just ran NAME)_run.out file, which is a text file you can paste the contents of to this thread. So choose a single program that fails to run, run it, then copy that back here.

The directory structure works like this :

pandora/desktop (for purely the PNDs you want on the desktop)

pandora/menu (will show up in the XFCE menu under various categories that the PXML of the PND system designates according to its maker)

pandora/mmenu (will show up only in minimenu)

pandora/apps (will show up in the XFCE menu and also on the desktop, which is limited for space)
Ok.Your pnds should be in pandora/menu.They will then appear in your desktop menu.Use the panasonic sdcard formatter tool to format your card.This ensures a proper clean sdcard.

No go with putting my .pnds in that folder. They still refuse to launch ><. Also that sd formatter you suggested, I already used to format my card originally. Thanks for the tips anyways. As for TrashyMG and Mariopandio I will give your suggestions a shot. Thanks!
Just to confirm, you are trying to launch them by clicking on the desktop or menu items? Because double-clicking on the .pnd will not work.