Pissing off windows problem


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
I've got an arse of a problem with IE and AOL at the moment. If I click a link which is a direct download I no longer get the save to or open in current location option. In fact 5 times out of 10 the download doesn't even work and If it does a window will randomly pop up from nowhere showing me the file I thought hadn't downloaded but with no clue as to where it is on the hardrive yet it is usable.

The reason it's annoying is because I have now have no control as to where the files are going, whether or not they have been downloaded and I have no re use of them once I've used them. I can right click and save target as but files which require the use of a button or disabled right click web pages are out of my reach.

So far I've tried messing with my internet options, I'm using AOL 8.0 (please no jokes) and IE 6.0 both of which have the problem. I've also tried a system restore and I've tried manually searching for my downloads and found nothing suggesting that IE is defaulting to 'open from current location'.

Please help, the only thing I havent checked is viruses but my auto file scan would've picked anything up buy now so it seems unlikely.
Twimfy posted on Aug 31 2003 said:
I've got an arse of a problem with IE and AOL at the moment. If I click a link which is a direct download I no longer get the save to or open in current location option. In fact 5 times out of 10 the download doesn't even work and If it does a window will randomly pop up from nowhere showing me the file I thought hadn't downloaded but with no clue as to where it is on the hardrive yet it is usable.

The reason it's annoying is because I have now have no control as to where the files are going, whether or not they have been downloaded and I have no re use of them once I've used them. I can right click and save target as but files which require the use of a button or disabled right click web pages are out of my reach.

So far I've tried messing with my internet options, I'm using AOL 8.0 (please no jokes) and IE 6.0 both of which have the problem. I've also tried a system restore and I've tried manually searching for my downloads and found nothing suggesting that IE is defaulting to 'open from current location'.

Please help, the only thing I havent checked is viruses but my auto file scan would've picked anything up buy now so it seems unlikely.
I`m assuming you are using Win XP.

Have you tried windows update yet ???

Because, Iirc, Windows XP does not come with the microsh*te java virtual machine by default. It has to be downloaded via windows update (SP1).

Something to do with IP theft or something :rolleyes: (Trust micro$oft, Again ;) ).

Hope this helps. :)

EDIT: You could always try/use Opera (The Web Browser). :D It what i use.

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Yeah I'm using WinXP and it's updated as recent as it can be. This problem just started happening today spontaneously, I usually know when something has been changed or modified (y'know that weird connection people have with there own PC's) but this I can't track down.

I'm guessing it's probably a virus.

I'll do a scan and report back tommorow.
Try the following-

Start > Settings > Control Panel > Folder Options > File Types

Select a file type that isn't downloading properly anymore, for example EXE;
Click "Advanced";
There is the option "Confirm download or open" - check this has a tick.