Piracy Eithics

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thebluenewt posted on Jul 18 2003 said:
The serious points you're making are being lessened somewhat by your... interesting avatar. :)
Can I not be holier than thou and like nice firm buttocks?

Decisions, decisions......

Buttocks it is

<arrg uncontrollably entering sing along mode>

The buttock boy is strong and tough.
Only the firmest are good enough,
the loosest morals,
the tightest arse,
the goodness that's in Mai's arse,
Pirate games are on me!

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klay51 posted on Jul 18 2003 said:
Yes, I would agree that if you give a copy to someone who would buy it then it would be losing a sale of course But that doesn't always happen. I don't just give out copies willy nilly. I'm sure osme people do....
Many people do.
What do you mean what filesharing like eDonkey or Kazaa is for??
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generalnmx posted on Jul 18 2003 said:
As said before, stealing is the act of taking something tangible away.
Ahwell, okay.
If you take an apple from a grocer, he loses it, okay.
If you steal a cow from a farmer, he loses it, too.

Once upon a time the humanity developed "money" which is normally
worth absolutely nothing (you can't eat it, it gives no milk), but it is
"virtually" pretty much worth as you could buy the cow or the apple.

When you copy something you would've bought, you don't give the
money to the company, therefore you steal it.

And don't say "But i wouldnt buy it any way so their not loosing my custom",
because I don't understand why the heck you would get something you won't
need anyway... or would you steal an apple if you aren't hungry?
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Arutha posted on Jul 18 2003 said:
But as also stated, lets say your wife/parent/child/etc. was dying, and had to get to the hospital in 10 min., 10 miles away. Is it morally wrong to steal the car if NO other options to get there exist?
Nicely said, but I don't think you'll find that urgent case to copy software...
Just imagine anyone claiming that a person would've died if he didn't copy that game...
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They way i see it, its not like its taking away something. Most money tight people didnt plan on buying it in the first place but are able to get it for free. Nobody loses money or gets hurt so whats the problem.

I think the big corps want people to "steal", cause then they can just sue and get more out of it :lol:
This whole copying thread is really interesting, but made more confusing by talking generally about 'intellectual property'. See Here for why.

Personally, I find the whole idea that I should be limited in my use of a piece of software which is evidently 'freely' available to be ridiculous, and the existence of a 'licence' asking me to promise not to copy it seems like some arcane ritual, (like the promise on an UK banknote). It might be naive, but I would rather live in a world where open source was the rule rather than the exception, where the free copying of games and software was seen as a compliment and a mark of appreciation rather than criminality, and where Bill's 'Open Letter to Hobbyists' had never been written. Even is this meant less commercial games being developed (or even no new commercial games at all).

By the way, when wipo organised an essay competition themed around the merits of IP, wipeout organised a counter competition asking for more critical responses to the same theme. Some essays submitted to the Wipeout anti-IP competitions can be found here and are pretty interesting.
For retail games, they advertise $60 videogames to an age-group that cannot afford the product. Even if they can afford the product, nobody making ~$10 an hour can properly budget for a videogame. The times amplify this situation. With people having a hard enough time, it doesn't help to have a wining little brat begging for the new Mare-ee-oh game.

As for older games, they simply aren't available. Go look for House of the Dead for Sega Saturn on EBay or any online retailer and you'll have a hard time finding it for less than $100. It's an issue of supply and demand.

I do buy albums, movies, and videogames when they are at a reasonable price. Anything else is fair game.
You do realise your posting in a 6 year old thread, right? Please read the rules before posting again, or your likely to receive a warning and/or suspension.

Not everyone wants to read the thread again to find out what your talking about.

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