Pikachu 3DS XL $159.99 At Target On 3/24, TRU 149.99? US ONLY


Advanced Member
May 20, 2006
Sin City
We are finally getting the 3DS XL "Pikachu" Edition here in the states this Sunday(March 24, 2013).

Target will have it for $159.99(first come, first served). Today, it is showing to be 149.99 at TRU, but we won't know for sure until later in the week when their ad flyer is released. http://nintychronicle.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/toysrus-going-to-sell-pikachu-3ds-xl-for-149-99-at-launch-in-the-united-states/ But it is looking like it may happen at this point.

For anyone looking to finally get a 3DS XL, these are two awesome deals. Plus, the Target deal is for any color 3DS XL, and the standard 3DS will be on sale for 129.99 as well. I believe the Target deal is for the whole week, where as the TRU deal may only be for Sunday(if it happens at all).

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Niiiice , except I have too much pride to walk around with a pikachu 3ds :P ;)   I'd rather have a Donkey kong or mario bros themed one , but then I already have a launch day original 3ds .
Niiiice , except I have too much pride to walk around with a pikachu 3ds :P ;)   I'd rather have a Donkey kong or mario bros themed one , but then I already have a launch day original 3ds .
I completely agree with you. I'm actually getting a skin/decal to cover Pikachu, as he/she just isn't my cup of tea ^_^  Yellow, is actually my favorite color, and I love white game systems, but the Pokémon craze is beyond my understanding. Sadly, my only choices for the white interior XL is this model, or the pink/white combo. Pikachu is the lesser of two evils here :P

Niiiice , except I have too much pride to walk around with a pikachu 3ds :P ;)   I'd rather have a Donkey kong or mario bros themed one , but then I already have a launch day original 3ds .
I completely agree with you. I'm actually getting a skin/decal to cover Pikachu, as he/she just isn't my cup of tea ^_^  Yellow, is actually my favorite color, and I love white game systems, but the Pokémon craze is beyond my understanding. Sadly, my only choices for the white interior XL is this model, or the pink/white combo. Pikachu is the lesser of two evils here :P

Why would you... buy the special official Pikachu edition and then cover it up?

Ah but I'm better too, I'm waiting for the Charizard one.
Niiiice , except I have too much pride to walk around with a pikachu 3ds :P ;)   I'd rather have a Donkey kong or mario bros themed one , but then I already have a launch day original 3ds .
I completely agree with you. I'm actually getting a skin/decal to cover Pikachu, as he/she just isn't my cup of tea ^_^  Yellow, is actually my favorite color, and I love white game systems, but the Pokémon craze is beyond my understanding. Sadly, my only choices for the white interior XL is this model, or the pink/white combo. Pikachu is the lesser of two evils here :P

Why would you... buy the special official Pikachu edition and then cover it up?

Ah but I'm better too, I'm waiting for the Charizard one.
I personally just don't like the black interior of my current red/black XL. I have always like the all white handhelds(DS Lite, PSP, Galaxy S2, Vita, etc.), and NOA have stated that all white handhelds don't sell well, so I'm doubtful we will ever see that model over here. In the past, I would have just imported one, and been done with all this LE crap. Sadly, Nintendo insist on adding region locking to the 3DS, so that isn't an option currently(it may get hacked at some point, then I'm back on track :lol:  ).

My second reason for getting this unit, would be the LE aspect to it. Every LE handheld Nintendo has ever released keeps it value and then some. So if and when the time should come, I know I'll be able to sell this model for more than what I paid for it, which can help me acquire a model that is more to my taste somewhere down the line.

The Charizard model has a cool decal/design, but being all black, I would never personally buy that one, but I do wish Nintendo would just release all options to all regions.

My last reason for getting this, is the price. I wasn't really planning to swap up to this model, until I saw the Target sale, and I was like "what the hell, why not?" I can sell my current XL for about what I paid for it, and then by getting "Pikachu" I've pocketed a few bucks. It's all Win/Win for me. If the TRU deals is ligit, then it's even better.

The only downside is having to do the system transfer, but that is fairly painless, but unless Nintendo adds an account system soon, I'll only have 3 more transfers I can make, EVER! This is actually a bigger issue for me, than any of Nintendo's other assbackwards business decision's.

We're lucky in Australia...

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White consoles are bad news - the yellowing, look at the Dreamcast, Commodore Amiga etc. 

Unless plastics have got significantly better!
I would have so bought that MK7 Bundle. UK got that bundles as well, but NOA decides we won't buy it, we don't need, or we don't want it(Bastards).

I haven't had a white console discolor in awhile(if ever). My DS Lite, PSP, Wii have all kept their color just fine, with no issues. Now, I did have my Zagg Invisible Shield discolor, but that can be removed and or replaced if need be, so no big deal there.

It's looking like TRU deal, was a mistake. They are having a sale, but the regular 3DS is supposed to be at 149.99, and the XL's should be at 169.99(with a possible 20$ gift card included with purchase). Not a bad deal, especially if you want to get Pokémon or Luigis Mansion, but I think I'll stick with the Target offer. As I have to drive further and more out of the way to get to a TRU in my area.

I'll update again if I get any new info on either deal.

It's looking like TRU deal, was a mistake. They are having a sale, but the regular 3DS is supposed to be at 149.99, and the XL's should be at 169.99(with a possible 20$ gift card included with purchase). Not a bad deal, especially if you want to get Pokémon or Luigis Mansion, but I think I'll stick with the Target offer. As I have to drive further and more out of the way to get to a TRU in my area.

I'll update again if I get any new info on either deal.

Hello, im new here. Do you know if the target deal is going to be in-store purchase or an online offer, or boath? Maybe pre-order offer? Thanks!!
It's looking like TRU deal, was a mistake. They are having a sale, but the regular 3DS is supposed to be at 149.99, and the XL's should be at 169.99(with a possible 20$ gift card included with purchase). Not a bad deal, especially if you want to get Pokémon or Luigis Mansion, but I think I'll stick with the Target offer. As I have to drive further and more out of the way to get to a TRU in my area.

I'll update again if I get any new info on either deal.

Hello, im new here. Do you know if the target deal is going to be in-store purchase or an online offer, or boath? Maybe pre-order offer? Thanks!!
To my current knowledge, it is in store only, but that could change come Sunday morning. I also believe if purchased online for full price, you can contact them and state the in store pricing, and you should be able to get the difference refunded.

Please go to "cheapassgamers" http://www.cheapassgamer.com/, and if your not a member sign up, it's free and then go to their deal forums. The guy/gals on that site are obsessed with deals, and there are several threads about this deal in place, so if your question hasn't already been answered somewhere, just ask and someone will answer. Great site by the way, most of the deals I get thru out the year, come from there.

From What I Hear, At Target They Have A Deal where if you buy Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Or The New Pokemon Game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates Of Time Or Something Like That and register it on the nintendo website, you get a code for 1 out of 4,5, or 6 games i cant remember. I Know One Of Them is Super Mario In 3D Land And Star Fox 64 3D
From What I Hear, At Target They Have A Deal where if you buy Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Or The New Pokemon Game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates Of Time Or Something Like That and register it on the nintendo website, you get a code for 1 out of 4,5, or 6 games i cant remember. I Know One Of Them is Super Mario In 3D Land And Star Fox 64 3D
Yeah, it's a club Nintendo deal. http://club2.nintendo.com/3ds-xl-promo/ 

5 games offered in the deal. Sadly I owned them all except one, but I have no interest there. I may get 3D Land again, as it was kick ass, but I 100% and sold it off. I may get the code, and sell it, I'm still undecided.

For anyone interested in the Pikachu 3DS XL, you better head out early. It seems to be a mad rush going on. LOL I'm hoping my Target isn't swamped, as I have to watch my son today, and don't want to arrive to early. Most stores seem to only have 2-3 units. Good Luck!
