Need Some Constuctive Criticism On My Website

oh well. would some sort of bomb threat or something work any better? :P

i am changing the site a bit now

Well, just to show you what you can do with a few tables and frames:

Take a peek

Thats nice but it would be green and black. And i am armed with note pad, mspaint and a very obscure knoledge of html. i am patching it together as i go along atm because i can't remember half the tags.

and no offense but i believe your job is web design is it not? but thank you for the demonstration. Now what about that bomb threat?

Also moz, you dont know the power of the dark side!
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Are you sure you are just using notepad sam? Only asking sine the menu frame source looks like it wasn't with CSS and javascript involved...

edit: and I just realise that it is due to the web host advertistment...

You could always self host sam...
what with images that size and my very slow upload? The gallery is not made using note pad but bye a frogram
because i cannot be fucked to make the same page over and over changeing 3 bits on info on each one
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As my main packages I use:

MS Paint
Paintshop Pro
MySQL Control Centre

I like Dreamweaver as it is PHP aware and shows different text types in different colours, i.e Everything that is in quotes is in one colour. That makes it sooo much easier to bug find when you have a single quote missing in a script etc etc.
Sam, are you really using notepad to construct your pages? If so, then I would seriously consider proper web orientated package.

It's all very good knowing HTML an all, but you will never constrauct a page quickly if you have to had code the lot. A Knowledge in HTML is very valuable, and is good when a package does something you didn't want it to and you can edit the code afterwards. But creating forms, tables, layers etc and editing their basic values, is much easier with a HTML aware package.

One word of advice: Don't use MS Frontpage. That will be the worst thing anyone can do to produce web pages. Frontpage adds a mass ammount of code that is really NOT needed. And the smaller the filesize, the quicker is is sent to the browser and processed.

If you need a hand with anything (webwise :D ), I will be glad to help.

Hon you don't have to go for the full blown big packages, try looking on the web for some free HTML editors. Believe me, it will make your life far easier when editing web pages.

Edit: In fact I had an old free editor somewhere, I will dig it up, if I find it I will let you know :)