
this is supposed to be naruto mind u I did it on Paint so I'm proud of it. :p :)
That is probably from using the magnify tool the whole time I did the head after that I didn't use it as much. :lol:
Bit rugged but oh well, ill post some of mario ive done later on and Sonic too if i can bothered, depends on the reaction i rceive.



  • viewtifuljoe.jpg
    49.7 KB · Views: 147
That's pretty good Ernest! Have you tried using Photoshop or Paintshop pro to edit your images?

And before you ask, no I can't draw, but I like to see other people's efforts.
Yeh ive thought about it but im a bit lazy tbh, im quite messy with pencils as you can see alot of finger smudges etc, but ah well ill get some more on in a bit so you can have a gander.

Edit: Here ya go, heres a sonic one i drew.



  • sonic.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 146
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Hehe... guess Mario needs some glasses cause he's going cross-eyed. (unless he just got hit in the balls)haha.JK It looks pretty good too. ;) :D
I draw printing paper/posterboard size images sometimes... they're really morbid and alot of people like them so *if* I can scan them [yea i don't know if I have a scanner lying somewhere in the house] , I will.

I won't edit them though + i have a really bad habit of coming to the merge of finishing something than stopping, as you might see from one pic if there is a scanner.