Pictures from the "Lange Nacht der Computerspiele"


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I almost forgot - I took some pictures this year from the Lange Nacht der Computerspiele... but I didn't post them yet.

A bit late, but here they are:

Ugh, I long for things like this here in the U.S.

Looks like a blast, people who actually care not about what console they play on, but the originality of the games themselves.
Hey, ED. I thought those from younger generation did not interest in our video game era? Looks like a lot of them interested it on retro
Hey, ED. I thought those from younger generation did not interest in our video game era? Looks like a lot of them interested it on retro
I have found this not to be true at all, and not just limited to video games.  Computers (as seen in the above pics) and related things seem to be popular with some people far too young to have been exposed to them back when they had mainstream popularity.  This is nice in some sense, but tends to drive prices up.  Although nice for sellers, it sucks for the rest of us.

Many young people are exposed to old games through Nintendo's virtual console and Steam and such.  They probably branch out from there.  There are some people that are exposed to them through people like us.  (I don't see games like Zork getting much love anymore except from older people, however by exposing one kid to it a few years ago their friends are now aware of such games since the topic has come up during video game discussions.  Maybe some of them have looked into them.)  Also there are some older series that still have new games released, and older ones rereleased.   This might explain why copies of early games from some series often sell for far more than they should based on how common they are (I am thinking of Pokemon and Zelda).  Some young people like old stuff.  I always did, and still do.  The quality is often higher than what you get now.