Picodrive Released ! V1.80


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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1. How is working the analog stick with a Sonic game or platform games ? Is it difficult to change direction very fast from left to right and right to left ? whats difference can we notice VS the d-pad of the wiz ?

2. Do you see any ghostling in Sonic 1 or 2 ?? or do you see a lot of blur when sonic is running fast ? Gp2x has only a little blur when sonic running fast and wiz has near to no blur

3.How is the experience in general with picodrive with the Caanoo.

sorry for my bad english.

thanks for answer
Well I aint got a Wiz, but just been playing Sonic 2 on Caanoo, and the emulation is perfect, no frame skip I can say 60/60 solid, when you get hit you flash nice (with frame skip you tend to disapear as it flashes) so rock, the screen is great, no ghosting at all I can see, super bright colours and even the sound is excellent.

Been waiting for something SNES or Megadrive, and this has made my day.

Controls BTW seems fine, the nub feels good, cant say I find it poor in any way.

32X is about 4FPS, but I know its in new, so works but real slow.
cool to heard. thanks ! But im so hesitate to buy a caanoo, i hate the analog stick so bad on my zodiac.
i really hope the caanoo analog stick is better.
Wizbiscuit said:
32X is about 4FPS, but I know its in new, so works but real slow.

It's much faster then that, to see how many frames you get, set the Frameskip to 0, 32x Emulation is about 20-25 frames, depending on the game (Star Wars Arcade sometimes goes up to 40 FPS).
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