Picodrive Files Deleted?


May 19, 2009
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I noticed my SD card apparently does not like PicoDrive. The emulator itself works great I was playing with no issues shutdown my system and the next time I turned it on I noticed the entire ROMs directory was empty. I don't know how or why it happened, I certainly didn't delete anything but I thought little of it, figured it must be some strange anomaly but then it happened again while I was trying to figure out how to create an autorun file I noticed this time my entire pico directory was empty, the emulator files as well as the rom files.

So I ask, what is going on? Any thoughts on the situation? Both times this happened to me all other apps on my SD card remained and continued to work beautifully. The issue only occurred with PicoDrive so idk whats happening, but its annoying.

Any thoughts, advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Try to activate the "Don't save last used ROM" option in the settings menu.
The Wiz version of PicoDrive is a very quick port, which is not much tested.
But I think now that notaz got a Wiz, we will see a polished version in the future.

So I've got another PicoDrive issue. Basically all was going well, I haven't change much other than the "Don't save last used ROM" option, and another user suggested I make all my ROMs read-only to maybe prevent them from being tampered with (or deleted) so anyways... again all was well... then I turned on my Wiz one day and saw this. See picture below.


Any idea whats going on here? Haha... the screen was split with the Genesis ROM being displayed twice on the top half of the screen running super fast and the screen was discolored and weird looking. I simply deleted the emulator and reinstalled it on the same SD card which corrected the issue, however, I'm tired of having to reinstall this emulator.

When I'm out and expecting to get some good ole Sonic action on the go, I hope I'm not met with these issues again. So far they've only struck when I was playing at home so they haven't made me too angry yet... haha.

Anyone else experiencing similar issues?
so anyways... again all was well... then I turned on my Wiz one day and saw this. See picture below.


Any idea whats going on here? Haha... the screen was split with the Genesis ROM being displayed twice on the top half of the screen running super fast and the screen was discolored and weird looking. I simply deleted the emulator and reinstalled it on the same SD card which corrected the issue, however, I'm tired of having to reinstall this emulator.

When I'm out and expecting to get some good ole Sonic action on the go, I hope I'm not met with these issues again. So far they've only struck when I was playing at home so they haven't made me too angry yet... haha.

Anyone else experiencing similar issues?
Make sure your renderer option is set to 16 Bit, the 8 bit mode makes the framebuffer nauseous. =P
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Alternatively you can delete *.pbcfg (I think, latest versions no longer use those).
About files being deleted, PicoDrive doesn't have means to do that, this probably happens because of missing sync() somewhere, not everything gets written to the card and filesystem gets corrupted. Might also be a dodgy card. Setting files read-only will not help, try always exiting the emu and waiting a few seconds before you power off, so that all writes to the card properly finish.

So in short, blame Orkie for his dodgy port :P
So in short, blame Orkie for his dodgy port :P
Ha! Will do *shakes fist at Orkie* but aren't you the original dev for PicoDrive? Fix that ish right now! haha, just kidding... :P

I appreciate all the great work you guys and gals have been doing and thanks for the advice.

Deleting the .pbcfg worked... but isn't that the file that saves the custom options per game? I was saving custom options for those that were six buttons so I didn't have to remap everything over and over... should I not be doing that anymore? Also I have not been returning to the menu before shutting down I'll have to remember to do that.

Thanks again.
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Just to get this right: Without Orkie, no PicoDrive Wiz port yet and nothing to complain about...
Actually I'm in very similar situation as Exophase with gpSP: latest code is not yet ready (some things are being rewritten) and I don't want to do a release based on old code.
Umm, how many times do I have to say that I had nothing to do with porting PicoDrive? Unless I did it in my sleep, in which case I deserve major kudos :P.