Picodrive 1.35


You need to edit dmenu.cfg in notepad, and insert the following:

MenuItem PicoDrive
Icon = "res/emulators/PicoDrive.png"
Name = "PicoDrive"
Executable = "./PicoDrive.dge"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/emulators/PicoDrive"

Making sure, of course, you put the relevant files in the right directories as per above.

A600 said:
Exophase said:
It'd run very poorly unless you ported the recompiler to MIPS. If you were going to do that I'd figure it'd be after you ported more important things to MIPS, like the renderering and interpreter cores.

I know but there are people out there (not me) who would be happy to run Virtua Racing at 5 fps :D
I was just wondering if it works but if not, I'll be happy cause all my favorite games work perfectly and that's all I wanted. So thanx a lot for the port.
PS : Maybe can you look at a PCE emu next ? :D
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centrlink said:

You need to edit dmenu.cfg in notepad, and insert the following:

MenuItem PicoDrive
Icon = "res/emulators/PicoDrive.png"
Name = "PicoDrive"
Executable = "./PicoDrive.dge"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/emulators/PicoDrive"

Making sure, of course, you put the relevant files in the right directories as per above.


Thanks a lot. I understand. However, I was not able to edit the cfg-file. I have tried it under windows xp first with the text editor and then with notepad++. However, after editing the config-file, the system could not open it anymore: error while booting linux/dmenu.
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Yeah, same thing happened with me (oddly) the first time I mucked about with the config file.

As I figured maybe I corrupted the cfg file in some way, I grabbed a fresh, untouched cfg file, pasted in the relevant picodrive text as above, and tried again - and it worked a treat - so maybe give that a go and you may be in luck :-)

YES! Once my dingoo arrives i'll be able to play Shining Force on the train! w00t!