sorry if I wasn't clear, I tried to run it with the gles2 related exports only first and that didn't work sadly. I need to set it up for logging I guess. I'll have a look what I can find.
This looks good:



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Will the original PICO-8 work on the Pyra? I have the PocketCHIP and I must say it's addictive working on it for little games. It's very complete and works smoothly.
Ah yes, Löve 0.9.x, I can try that!

How on earth does one get to the sprite editor - code editor and so forth in Picolove ???

Because esc does not work as it does in Pico-8

(lua + love is pain enough to install - now Picolove seems to run in a way of its own lol - i just give up unless someone has the answer?)
if you haven't purchased it already, PICO-8 for RPi at a 'pay-what-you-will' price for a limited time:


If your really broke or have your reasons you can pay zero and run pico-8 on a raspberry pi emulator for free.

(My C.H.I.P. recently broke like everyone's does, they deleted my post about it being bricked on the nextbigthing/chip forum, which didn't help me and leads me to assume they deleted most posts about there $9 computer breaking in a week - which just sucks. After having Pico-8 already on CHIP i can't bring my self to pay for it after paying for a system it was on that broke in 1 week and being censored about it on the forum / treated like a bitch, i actually spent over $100 on CHIP if you include all the accessories i no longer need such as bt keyboard, monitor, UART, pins, HDMI add on circuit board, composite, mouse, power adapter, postage from the USA for chip and so forth. If they'd of not deleted my polite post about my CHIP fucking breaking in 1 week I'd not even be bitter even if it can't be fixed. BUT THEY JUST HAD TO BE CUNTS AND NOW I'M BUTHURT).
How on earth does one get to the sprite editor - code editor and so forth in Picolove ???

Because esc does not work as it does in Pico-8

(lua + love is pain enough to install - now Picolove seems to run in a way of its own lol - i just give up unless someone has the answer?)
picolove is not PICO8. There is only the runtime here, not the editor in picolove.