Penumbra Source


Feb 22, 2007
Is available now here:

All we need now is a Pandora and someone with the skills to port it...... :)
Ah, sources. Thanks Frictional Games! I enjoyed the first two games and am looking forward to the new one.

Maybe the engine could also be made to attempt a system shock clone? Dunno why but the Penumbras just kept me thinking of that and even Deus Ex while playing.
It would be great for this to be ported to the Pandora. Loved this game, great horror game. I've bought it twice so I have all the art to go with the ported engine.
fearofshorts said:
Yep! I can't wait!
Pity that the second game in the series uses a different engine...
It uses the same engine, just not all the code is there to run Black Plague.
From the official blog post: AI for the infected, GUI elements, etc are all missing, but all needed to implement them is present in the engine code (in case anybody is up for the challenge).
Someone could hack the missing bits back into the Overture engine and it would work.
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