Pc-link Error: Process Error


Still Fresh
May 5, 2004
Hey there,
I received my gp32 flu today. Downloaded the usb-drivers and register-program, registering went allright.

But i can't do anything with the PClink software, format does work sometimes but install and smc browsing gives me an error: "an error occurred in GP32 during process" [in PClink software] and on the GP32 screen: "process error"

I tried the original usb drivers and PCLink software, also the firefly usb drivers and all other pclink versions.

The main screen of the gp32 works for me but when i try the debug mode it hangs.

added: i tried both win2000 and winXP with the same result

Please help!
OK-lots of people have probs at first with their gp32's.
do you have an smc card in the gp32-i spent ages trying to do stuff with the internal 8mb only to be told its scratch ram and not backup ram.
did you use the xp usb drivers?
have you read the faq on this site for new users?

hope you sort things out-you gonna have fun once you get started.
thank you for your reply. Still no succes here, i am using firefly xp drivers at the moment, and an 128 smc. Format seems to work but installing the freelauncher program or try browsing results in an error. Possible a problem with the usb-cable?

i think i ruled out all the newbie errors.
The PC link cable is notorious for causing trouble. I have a Smart Media Card reader and they are faster d/l speed and won't bug out on you. They're like $10/£10, and are especially good for transferring movies across and large games etc..

Sorry I can't be much help, but my pc link is tucked away in some drawer somewhere :blink:

You might want to try "GP-Drive" by Squidge, that seems to be the most user friendly link method I've seen on here so far. (Need Win XP)
I get "Process Error" too, but format never works (20 seconds of "Now Formating..." then a "Now waiting..." "Process Error"). So, I got an smc reader/writer; made all the dirs (game, gpetc, gpmm, gpsys, mp3); used gps2 to get my pduid; went to #gp32 and got windup, gxbload, and freelauncher (well, freelauncher first but then later the rest); and unziped them to gp://game.

Pc-link still says the smc is unformatted; freelauncher goes from its title screen to another background and keeps flashing (opening and closing) a red titled, white bodied window which says in the body "SMC <some korean text I can't read>"; windup shows root as empty (though the status bar has an 8.3 filename composed solely of the 255 ascii character; and gxbload just says "Error!" on start.

This happens on two different Samsung 128MB SMCs (I ordered them with my GP32 from Lik-Sang), and I've tried using mkfs.msdos -F 12 and mkfs.msdos -F 16 in Linux to format the card which has no effect on freelauncher, windup, and gxbload. Sticking mp3s into gp://mp3 works fine, though. So, I'm at a complete loss on how apparently the firmware can read the smc properly but nothing else can.

So, any ideas on what else to try next?

PS - I used pc-link with both the standard and 2003 DDK (aka firefly's) usb drivers on Win XP in vmware and a real Win2k machine.
OK, I'm not sure this will help but I'll try to tell you in steps as I was doing mine wrong at first.
1. Turn your gp32_console on.
2. Wait for it to load then go to pc link ( by preesing SELECT ) but don't click it.
3. plug your PC-Link into your gp32_console and wait for a icon to appear down at the corner of your screen ( it has a green arrow on it ).
4. Click on PC-Link on the gp32_console and it should work.
5. Now go to Start/Programs/Gamepark/GP32 PC link host.
If not try to format your smc in a digital camra.
Yes, I do all that (did it again a few times to verify). One note is on XP, there is no icon that shows up in the tray when the GP32 is plugged in. In any case, the result is the same. The only thing of note is that the format does appear to work at least part way. By this, I mean the writing obviously occurs and does format the card. But, the 5 directories aren't created (root is empty) and there's the "Process error". Oh, and closing/opening GP32 PC-Link Host and clicking on the GP32 tree head still pops up a dialog that says "Unformatted SMC". Any other ideas on what it might be?
Try different combinations. I plug the usb cable in firmly, switch to transfer mode then boot the pc link application. I'm assuming you have installed the drivers for 2000/XP?
Well i am still having the same problems. I think there is clearly something wrong with my gp32. It's more than just a non/mal functioning PC-usb link. A SMC written by an reader/writer with freelauncher on it still not works, all programs that seem te read or write of the SMC hang or reset the gp32 [besides the build in mp3 player] therefor rendering my gp32 quite useless =]

Did you tried contacting Lik-Sang about this? I did but not getting alot of feedback =/