Keep getting this error......


Still Fresh
Oct 12, 2003

I keep the error "an error occured in GP32 during process" whenever I try to copy stuff onto my SMC, through PCLink.

I've formatted my SMC and tried to reinstall GPlauncher but I continue to get the same error.

I've tried a different SMC but I get the same error, and a different PC.

Is it my GP32 at fault or my cable?

(I've had my GP32 a while and it was all ok, this just started to happen recently, I've not changed any hardware recently)

Any help would be appreciated.

XXandeRR1234 posted on Oct 12 2003 at 09:45 AM said:

I keep the error "an error occured in GP32 during process" whenever I try to copy stuff onto my SMC, through PCLink.

I've formatted my SMC and tried to reinstall GPlauncher but I continue to get the same error.

I've tried a different SMC but I get the same error, and a different PC.

Is it my GP32 at fault or my cable?

(I've had my GP32 a while and it was all ok, this just started to happen recently, I've not changed any hardware recently)

Any help would be appreciated.

That happens to me occasionally but I don't mind because it still transfers the file. Does it still transfer the file for you?
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tried uninstalling then reinstalling the USB drivers ?? i'm running xp,and it quite often seems to not recognise the GP,and makes me reinstall the drivers,then works perfectly.