Pbernert Releasing Source Of His Opengl Plugin P.e.op.s


Active Member
Jul 29, 2007
Poland & UK // Currently: Ipswich

I've started this plugin exactly 10 years ago. If you scroll down a long way in this version history file, you will find an entry called
"1. April, 1999, Version 1.0", followed by a small "to do" list. Hehehe, yeah, I was sooooooo naive by then.

Well, until 2003 I added a lot of things into this plugin, things I never would have dreamed about when I did the first release. But then I found less and less time to work on it anymore, and my interests were changing as well.

Now, 10 years later, I keep my promise to release the plugin's source
code on the 10th anniversary. License is GPL, like in my already released Soft GPU, SPU and CDR plugins. Maybe some coders will find this source useful, be it to port it to other systems (Open Pandora anyone?), be it to see how I've handled certain things, or maybe even somebody will start to improve it further.

Beside the source code, there are no big changes in version 1.78. I've added a "V-Sync" option in the gpu config (you can turn this on to avoid tearing) and I've adjusted some small internal stuff (which should not affect the compatibility at all). And I renamed the plugin to "P.E.Op.S.", as a sign that it is now grown up and free to go :)


Did anyone see that "Open Pandora anyone" in quote? :)
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Hmm. Might be worth a look - his plugins worked wonderfully for me on a whole host of computers.
If I might ask my stupid questions of the day:

1. Who's Pbernert?
2. What are these plugins for?
3. What does P.e.op.s stand for?
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He's a guy who made a bunch of plugins for various emulators, most notably ePSXe, a great PSX emulator for the PC. Pete made lots of different plugins which covered basically everything - video, sound, ISO/CD loading, etc. Using some of his plugins (like the video one) but changing the OpenGL calls to ES ones could save the people working on a PSX emulator some work (as I think his plugins were pretty optimzed).
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This can only mean good things, as far as I'm concerned.
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I've been waiting for this! About time :P IIRC, his DirectX one has been open source for a long time, but his OpenGL one, oddly, wasn't. This was actually a hindrance to me at one point or another.
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Good to see it, although I think Tinnus would find the OGL2 plugin more useful.
'Exophase' said:
Good to see it, although I think Tinnus would find the OGL2 plugin more useful.

Yes. Still going to take a look at this one though :)
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