Parlez vouz francaise? Or how to use our Linux Device for Learning Languages

French is super elitist. Kinda like British.
Not sure about German it always just sounded up tight to me.
So I would say that grammar is a tool of oppression.
German doesnt have the "th" sound does it ? Mit translates to With , not Whit.
English has many words that sound the same but are spelt differently as well as many words that are spelt the same but sound differently.
Lead as in to lead a group of people , be in charge of them.
Lead as in the heavy grey metal on a church roof or in car batteries...

i dont envy anyone trying to learn English as an adult.
There extra Parts on this App for Learning the Words and Translations, but i was only on the Course Part where you have different Parts, in different "Genres" (say hello, the collors, etc),
On the low Level im still its not that difficult allthough they allready have Words i ditnt know yet..
I had 9 Years French in Shool, so i know a few words allready, (Chien is "Dog" , Chat is "Cat", mange is "eating" ..)

Whit Language is also quite interessting: When i bought a small property in the "Ellsass" Part of French, the Notarian had to be special for French, German, and this Old Elsass Dialect which is some sort of a Mixture of French and German..
As you might know: bevor the First World War, the Ellsass (Allsacre) , Lothringen Part of French was Part of Germany, might be because Napoleon lost or something, so this Part had a big % of Peaple who did speak French and German, they had even German in Shools until i think one of there modern day Presidents did change this ..
Well, maybe its not the best idea to learn more romantic languages, although i dont think i would ever need more than German, English and French, so this might be a good idea to add English to my Courses.. i had a few Years in Work Shool whit English, a few semester evening shool, and this Boards for Training but well, it might be a good idea..

also English and French are the Official Language of the United Nations..
Your English would look much better if only you spelled the word "whit" as "with".

I think the best way to learn a language is to first memorise common words and learn a bit of grammar, and then use the language. That is how I learn languages. Just dive in the deep by putting all your devices to the language you want to learn.
I did try to put my Iphone to french, but now also the Google News are in French too .. , and the Garmin App .. , well i try this now .. Siri is still in German..
I think i try this now a bit..

EDIT: Well Actually this Causes too much trouble: Whatsapp things now im French, so its even wants to change the Language on the Web Site on my Work PC as this Whatsapp Login came from my Phone, so i did decide to more likely put it back to german for now..
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I did try to put my Iphone to french, but now also the Google News are in French too .. ,
That is good. In the beginning it is annoying to work in another language and you may need to fall back on translating dictionaries, but after a few weeks or months you should get used to it. Come close to French, and French will come close to you.

Another good way that I learn languages is by reading the Bible in those languages. There are many french Bibles available. This is especially useful because you can read passages that you already know so that you learn the language more easily.

Another useful tool is Anki. I think the Pyra probably has it because it is based on Debian. Android also has Anki available as "Ankidroid" or something like that. From Anki you can download good decks for learning French from Ankiweb. This is as simple as pressing a few buttons.

I would also practice listening a bit. French has difficult pronunciation but it is important to get it right because women love men with good French pronunciation.
Bevor i read this christian fairy tale book in French, i would rather read other stuff.. or watch par exemplé Louis de Funés in French, (whitouth the Suptitle as its dosnt fit on the stuff they say), or listen to French Chansons: Charles Aznavour, or Frederic Mey (which is actually a German Singer Songwriter who plays Chansons in French under this Alias) ..
Its a bit of a Shame there are just a few Record of his French Stuff on German Apple Music..

I can try to have at least my Ipad on French, so it want harm the WhatsApp Web App ..

But first i have to make at least an half hour Duolingo every day..
There are a few things that Duolingo dont teach you: its gives your something to train, and got some sort of a score system, but why some conjugations are like they are, its dosnt explain ..

Why is the word for the color some times bevor and some times behind the main word? Why is it some times une and some times un .. ..

I found that i make the best results when i found a logic behind the things, some times french gramatics follows a logic, but you first have to find it out yourself what the logic is ..

In shool back then whe had to learn first the whole Conjugation stuff by memorize, so maybe i have to use also an French Learn Book beside Duolingo, also some words are still not in my mind, like the French Word for Frog and for Cow etc..

Im still on my Learning Projekt but its not that easy..

Another issue is that because everyone whit an Truck Drivers License can Deliver Stuff in the EU, even if he dont speak the Language of this Country i have lots to do whit Drivers who only speak Bulgarian, or Polish or other stuff i cant speak .. so i would not be able to get every language in my Livetime i would need, so i think i will get French and maybe some other..
There are a few things that Duolingo dont teach you: its gives your something to train, and got some sort of a score system, but why some conjugations are like they are, its dosnt explain ..
When I learn languages, at first I like they to explain me what are the grouping of verbs, in groups that are conjugated similarly.
Much later on, when I'm already very familiar with the language I might enjoy etymological explanations about how those conjugations came to be.
But I consider that an advanced subject.
Why is the word for the color some times bevor and some times behind the main word? Why is it some times une and some times un .. ..
By main word, you mean the noun it qualifies ?
I'm not sure about colors. I think it depends on whether it's short (then it's likely to come before) and whether it's very often used (then it's likelier to come before).
But it's a mystery. I'd say the general case would be to put it after the noun.
"une" is the indefinite article for feminine nouns, like "eine"/"einer" in German.
"un" is the same for masculine words, like "ein","einen","einem","eines" in German.
French does not have a neutral gender.
And when you change languages a word that is masculine in your language may be feminine in the other one.
That is relatively random, but there are usually some list of terminations than can give hints.
I think the feminine is sometimes a different form altogether (like "soeur" is the feminine of "frère"), but often are derived by adding suffixes to masculine words,
like "-ine", "-esse", etc.
Once you know a noun is masculine or feminine, then you know whether you should use "un" or "une" before it. But you can't assume the gender is the same as in German or any other language.
I found that i make the best results when i found a logic behind the things, some times french gramatics follows a logic, but you first have to find it out yourself what the logic is ..
There is always some logic, and then there's always some chaos. It's the result of a large number of people optimizing how to speak about things.
They usually have general rules so they don't have to remember fancy details for every single use. But there are a few expressions that are used so often than people have them burned strongly in their minds, and they don't need rules.
And then there's English.
It might help to think that languages are not designed (except Esperanto, logjam, or so...) but evolved.
So there's not someone setting up rules and everyone following it.
There's people doing what they want, and linguists trying to find some logic in it by writing general rules (and exceptions).
In French some of those linguists are called immortal but they still die thinking people should speak as they say, despite everyone just speaks as they can and want.
The rules are not guides but mnemotechnics. They minimize effort for speakers, but not necessarily for learners.
The more your learn a language the more things make sense, and the more you forget the that some things just don't make sense, precisely because you already remember them.
It's a little like word length. Most often used words in a language are usually short, and less usually used words are longer.
It's the same you would do when designing a compression code.
Now why Germans say "Entschuldigung" for "sorry", "désolé", "perdón", "scusi" is almost hinting that they think they'll never be wrong and have to use it.
It's also similar to "semantic resolution". Languages usually have more different words with narrower meanings for concepts their speakers use more often.
Like the inuit having a lot of words for different kinds of snow or ice, because it's useful up there.
In shool back then whe had to learn first the whole Conjugation stuff by memorize, so maybe i have to use also an French Learn Book beside Duolingo, also some words are still not in my mind, like the French Word for Frog and for Cow etc..
I haven't used duolingo, but why all means, yes. Get a French grammar book, or maybe a French textbook. You can also use the web, I think the keyword is FLE (Français comme Langue Étrangère?).
Im still on my Learning Projekt but its not that easy..
It doesn't have to be easy, it has to be fun.
Another issue is that because everyone whit an Truck Drivers License can Deliver Stuff in the EU, even if he dont speak the Language of this Country i have lots to do whit Drivers who only speak Bulgarian, or Polish or other stuff i cant speak .. so i would not be able to get every language in my Livetime i would need, so i think i will get French and maybe some other..
I've never heard there's a limit to how many languages you can learn. I've heard that the more languages you've learnt the easier it becomes learning new languages, but of course there are many languages, and I think nobody has ever been able to speak them all Unless you believe in Adam and Eve).
If you learn a few languages, then you increase the chance that someone you meet speaks one of those, even if that's not their native language.
You'll never learn them all, but you can keep learning languages as long as it's fun.
Im now allmost after one Month, and i think i got some Progress, i remember that "Frog" have to be "Grenoille", and at least a bit how to conjugate ..
Im still dont know what the Underpants is Called, but im at the beginning, and i cant say the name of all the Animals sadly i remember a few (Duck: Canard, Pig : Cochon, Birds : Ouison ) but wtf was cow again? , Numbers where not part of the Duolingo Course yet, i remember them a bit but only a few....

Whats a bit Anoying is that Duolingo wants that i learn every day, even if this dosnt work from my Time Plan ..
I think i try to use 2 Methods now: Duolingo, and i try to read an French Newspaper: I found one for the East French Region "Alsace" (Ellsass) , i did not test this yet but the Ipad should have an Option that lets you Translate the Words you dont know yet, also French Newspapers are an Part of my Journal Reading App Supscription where you can get for about 14 € every Magazin to read you want, and some of them like these Tractor Magazins are allready quite expensive if you buy it on Paper .. and whit the Features you get on an Tablet, this might work ..
This translation on the Go Option seems to dosnt work whit Newspaper, mybe because Copyright issues.. , but you can connect the Readly App whit the Translate App via Multitasking ..^^

Had yesterday my first "Videocall" on Duolingo to train your actuall speaking, was quite weyrd: you dont call an real human but this Gothic Comic Girl from the Duolingo Charakters, she is AI Controlled ... , it depents a bit on your Internet Connection how good this works i dont know if this works at all ..

I try to make every evening at least a little bit progress, but some times its quite though..
Would it make sense to load up E-Books whit German-French Dictionary and maybe an "Conjugation" List?
I wrote on Hannibal Rising that there is an Special Methode to train your Brains Remember Scill by building an "Mind Castle": and Place where you have lots of rooms for everything you want to remember .., might be worth also to learn this technique .. ^^
Well it is quite anoying: i did try to use an French Childs Sience Magazin, you get on Readly, "Mon petit sience et vie avec Nano" , and its still difficult to read .. im Level2 on Duolingo,
might be i had underestimate the Amount of Time this needs still, i had in the past maybe one or 2 lexions per Evening .. i should try to make much more..

It is said that you are start to become fluend on Level4 but this is still an long way..
Don't worry. Just keep working. There'll always be texts that are too difficult, even in one's own language. It takes time. Take it as an incentive. In some time you can go back to that magazine and read it more easily, and you'll see you have learnt a lot.
Un-useful (but fun) French sentences:

Ce n'est qu'une égratignure.
Je pète dans votre direction générale.
Personne ne s'attend à l'Inquisition espagnole.