Certified Guru
Hi All,
X-Pilot is one of the most famous Multiplayer online space action game, started in 1991 (good old time
See http://www.xpilot.org/ for more details about authors, manual etc ...
After minor changes and one day spent to fix a nauty bug in the polygon render code,
i'm pleased to announce a port on pandora of the X-Pilot NG version v4.7.3.
I haven't changed any key bindings, but you can always modify existing one using xmodmap file ...
A x-pilot-ng server is included in the pnd file if you want to play alone,
or you can play on internet servers with other players.
On startup you will be asked to launch the server or not, and the first time you should
enter your gamer pseudo.
If you want to put this game in fullscreen mode, you need to use
"Alt+Space -> Fullscreen" one the game is started.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read doc files for more information about it.
x-pilot-ng for pandora