Pandora Wi-Fi On 350kilobytes/s

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Monk said:
I get upset that one person or another is "allowed" to be thin skinned. Can I not have my "buttons" too? Must I ALWAYS be "the better man" - while ED gets praised and I get slammed for upsetting the Great Man?

I DO have my buttons, and one of them is accusations of bias or being unfair. Which I do not beleive I am, ever (intentionally). I also have my "thin-skin" times and days. But this is not an area which I belive we should get into (maybe in an off-off-off-off-topic forum? LOL). ED has hurt and annoyed me by suggesting that I am "out to get them". I am very, VERY annoyed and quite hurt as that is not me, and not the first time he's done so.

I agree that his OPT associates should help out on the forum more. ED posting "I don't know, I'm in Germany!" (for example, to paraphrase) isn't half as helpful to him, to the questioners, or to the wider community ambience as someone who IS in a position posting something more informative.

I know you and I know that you are not biased or unfair, thus I don't critizise you at all :)
It's just that I don't want to get involved in those discussions too much for the "greater good" so to say. I don't defend ED, as he's plain wrong, but I don't want to force a discussion either, because I can understand the difficult situation he is in right now.
If you knew the situation on the German boards, you'd know a bit better what I mean. He gets some flak there too and the German members can be pretty unfair, while the Mods fight each other because some of them are plain stupid.

@ED, I don't want to open a can of worms here, but if you are on the boards as long as Monk, you know how to evaluate information and tend to become a bit cynical. I've read so much crap here in the last 1.5 years, I could fill a funny book with it :P

My advice: Sometimes it's better to not discuss things till the end. Lets just let it rest here and do something else.
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I have a very quick temper, and I often almost go on a rampage. Usually I find myself writing up my response, then reading it, editing it, reading it again until it's perfect, and then most of the time I delete it entirely or change it so that the nasty tone has gone. I don't mean to patronize you with my armchair observations, but many times I do find that writing out a full response and deleting it does provide me with a good release. Anyway, most of the time I'm just arseing around and trying to be amusing (degrees of success ranging between -1 to 3.6 on the Amus-o-meter), so my advice may seem like the jester offering to polish the king's sceptre (ooo matron!).
EvilDragon said:
Ever thought about what you do to us by pulling out quotes from years ago, which sound like you're trying to badmouth the Pandora - for things which aren't even wrong?

Aside from the fact I've stopped for lunch (mmm, microwave korma. Well, it's what I have) I was ready to reply to that whole post but for Mali's post.

Out of respect for Mali (Hi Mali, I can FULLY understand any distance you want to put between yourself and either ED or I right now) I will make this a concilliatory post instead of the ENTIRELY ACCURATe AND FAIR but agressive one I am otherwise inclined to make.

Stop. Sit down calmly, and count to ten. Now assume - just for the sake of argument, just for a moment assume - that I am not "out to get you". That every query I have posted was an honest query. that every post I have made defending you (YES! DEFENDING YOU!) has been an honest and open defence, that every time I say "Here, you chaps said this now you're doing that - what's ahppening" what I mean is NOT "These are a bunch of scheming scamming liars - GRAB THE PITCHFORKS lads!" but that I actually mean "these things do not add up, please help me with the math". Sincerely, honestly, openly and pitchfork-free.

It may be hard to imagine from where you are now, but attempt it. Now imagine that a senior, respected member of OPT (yourself) comes on the board and answers these honest, open, not hurtful questions by calling him a nitpicking liar who only tries to destroy the good name of OPT and the Pandora project. think it through. I've got time today. Because as far as I'm concerned, that's what you've done. You've taken some questions/posts which are uncomfortable to you, and have responded by making me out to be a vindictive, biased, stalker in this thread. that is WAY uncool.

Try not to get Mali in the line of fire between us, but really think through how I could feel if, as I promise, I have NOT kept a log of quotes to later catch you out on, and I have NOT been trying to make you out to be liars when you are not. Let me know, as soon as possible, if you want me to be who you claim I am. Because it is NOT who I have been - but I'll be willing to give it a go for a day. I can be unpleasant for a day, I'm sure, in response to your being so unpleasant to and about me.

Now - my Korma!

@mail response in a bit - this "food" won't take long :(
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Well - there is one problem:
If I ignore posts and only reply what I really know or only reply to I need Help questions, etc., people will start flaming "He did reply to that, but not to my question!"... we also had that a few times when I ignored such things.

So I guess I'm pretty much out of luck here :(
Damn, sometimes I wish I had never bought a GP32 back then...
Monk said:
You've taken some questions/posts which are uncomfortable to you, and have responded by making me out to be a vindictive, biased, stalker in this thread. that is WAY uncool.

Sorry - but I don't agree here. There's nothing uncomfortable with the battery life question for me. Battery life rocks and the remaining time is as accurate as we say.
I just can't understand how someone tries to tell me it is not... when it should be clear how it was meant.

But I'm too tired to discuss anything anymore. Sorry.

I really should leave the boards for a while, they don't do me any good.
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Give the man a rest ffs.

For the sake of sanity, take a board vacation ED. Except for the I-need-help stuff maybe, guess that's too important at this stage.
mali said:
I know you and I know that you are not biased or unfair, thus I don't critizise you at all :)

Thanks mate. That means more than you may know :)

Not "getting too involved" is probably a good choice. Having too many people mix it up in an argument can, sometimes, lead to an increase in heat rather than calming things down. Better not to be between a rock and a hard place! Thanks too for your attempts to calm things down. I know that, barring my last post, I've been largely (willfully) ignoring the attempts, but that doesn't mean your intention isn't recognised and appreciated. It is.

mali said:
I can understand the difficult situation he is in right now.
If you knew the situation on the German boards, you'd know a bit better what I mean. He gets some flak there too and the German members can be pretty unfair, while the Mods fight each other because some of them are plain stupid.

That's shitty :( a mod team should be there to, well, moderate. Not in any way to make things worse. IMHO.

mali said:
I've read so much crap here in the last 1.5 years, I could fill a funny book with it :P

You know, now I have an image of the film of the stage play of the outragous comedy written by our newest comic novellists - Craigix and Mali!

You really should NOT do that to someone when they are eating rice. It's not pretty :(

Sugar_Kane said:
I find myself writing up my response, then reading it, editing it, reading it again until it's perfect, and then most of the time I delete it entirely or change it so that the nasty tone has gone. I don't mean to patronize you with my armchair observations, but many times I do find that writing out a full response and deleting it does provide me with a good release. Anyway, most of the time I'm just arseing around and trying to be amusing (degrees of success ranging between -1 to 3.6 on the Amus-o-meter), so my advice may seem like the jester offering to polish the king's sceptre (ooo matron!).

I know exactly what you mean - although more of my posts make it than do not, and I don't claim to polish enough (my typos will back me up there), posts in more dangerous threads tend to get more attention and re-writing. Sometimes I may write a post 3 or 4 times, and even then after I posted one recently (a "Pro" OpenPandora one, actually, if you can imagine such a thing!) I decide the chances of it improving things rather than making them worse are not good, so I edit it down to "I brushed my teeth today" or "Meh" or some such useless statement. Much goes unsaid, usually to avoid hurt feelings/increased irritation.

EvilDragon said:
Monk said:
You've taken some questions/posts which are uncomfortable to you, and have responded by making me out to be a vindictive, biased, stalker in this thread. That is WAY uncool.

Sorry - but I don't agree here. There's nothing uncomfortable with the battery life question for me.

then why respond so badly to it? If I ask Creature "why are your eye hazel, that's a stupid colour!" then even though I am being more offensive than I have to you, Crreature will take no offense if his eyes are brown. Or blue. Or green. He may well take no offence if they are hazel - because it's just a colour. Why have you taken time out to bring up the battery question as being offensive if you have not taken it uncomfortably?

Are you now saying that I haven't hit any "sore spot" or "thin skin" or button, but that you've attacked me just BECAUSE YOU CAN?

EvilDragon said:
But I'm too tired to discuss anything anymore. Sorry.

I really should leave the boards for a while, they don't do me any good.

Ah - hit and run eh? Great.

kuru said:
Give the man a rest ffs.

Which of us? I could certainly do without aggro from ED (or indeed anyone). It sounds like he could do without stirring up more aggro too, based on Mali's comments about the German boards.

mali said:

Sorry mate - I tried, honest I did! But I've had enough. I dislike unfounded insults, and don't intend to sit back and just take them.
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Although it may not be the case, it seems to me that ED is always the guy up here, facing us, it must be bloody hard work. I'm not sure if that was an agreed situation, but I really feel ED should be commended for his customer service. Whether you agree with what he says or not, you can't doubt that the guy is up here, at all hours, answering as many questions as he can, whilst working double-time on the Pandora. He really is the backbone of the operation and I truly feel that there wouldn't be half of us fully behind OP if he hadn't been here, talking to us plebs. He gives me absolute confidence in the product, and I for one am glad that he was on board.

I think we should all put a card together somehow, sign it and send it up to him in Ingolstadt.

*I also want to add that I think you are a sterling chap, monk
Thanks Sugar_Kane. Had it not been for ED, I would have cancelled my Pandora order long before he told me that I shouldn't get a Pandora (or indeed ANY pre-order device). I don't have a quote to hand. It must be in my OTHER list ;)

It seems unfair that he be the face of OpenPandora, but this seems to be something taken in shifts. It was Chip for a while, after (IIRC) Craig was burnt out. ED's been carrying the torch for a long time.
Monk said:
Which of us? I could certainly do without aggro from ED (or indeed anyone). It sounds like he could do without stirring up more aggro too, base don Mali's comments about the German boards.
I should have said 'Give each other a rest, all of you!'. There's too much on people's minds. ED wants to please too many people, be it dealing with honest questions as well as plain bs. It wouldn't take me nearly as long as him to get into defense. I'd like to see any of you try to cope with all the characters and their utter madness here on the boards, the production fuss, quality control, customer support and, on top of that, a life and a job.

I don't blame anyone snapping, I would have long ago.
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ah, yes - I suspect we could all do with more calm. Yet I'm about to fo deal with some petulant kids again for a while - no peace for the wicked!

At least I should get the pleasure of getting feedback on my latest game design for one particular class :D
Perhaps the forums would benefit with a bit less micro-management and over-analysis of the process and a bit more trust and patience..just sayin.
kuru said:
For the sake of sanity, take a board vacation ED. Except for the I-need-help stuff maybe, guess that's too important at this stage.


Make a post "ill be off the boards for 24h", tell your GF to unplug any PC you attempt to start, take your GF to a nice resto, get back and relax and do the stuff people tend to do with their other half on a day off (*).

(*) which is not coding or soldering speakers.
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Just my 5c
Monk, I don't even understand what you were thinking when raising the battery question, that time left changes depending on the load you put on the pandora is common sense.
I never found any of the statements about the battery(meter) contradictory at all.

I have my pandora here, and its WAY more accurate on the batterymeter sofar, compared to my laptop i used to have (It was a very expensive for the time, packard bell)
That laptop said "oh, i have 30 minutes left!" then it died.

So i don't see the reason for your confusion, sorry.

And ED is a great face for the OpenPandora! i love that hair! you go ED!
GizmoTheGreen said:
Just my 5c
Monk, I don't even understand what you were thinking when raising the battery question

Hmmm, seems we have some thread contamination. See paddy's post afterward for an example of why I find "accurate right at this second, but is likely to be wildly different in 2 seconds time" less than perfect.

GizmoTheGreen said:
I have my pandora here, and its WAY more accurate on the batterymeter sofar, compared to my laptop i used to have (It was a very expensive for the time, packard bell)
That laptop said "oh, i have 30 minutes left!" then it died.

Excellent. As I understand it, the Pandora is quite capable of that too. If (say) you've got a low battery condition and your LCD is dim and the Pandora is idling, then when you start to USE it the battery meter will suddenly drop and the Pandora will have minutes or seconds of life left.

EDIT for update:

I see paddy describes his actual experience with his actual Pandora and its actual battery meter some more. To quote:

paddy said:
so mabe my battery is normal then ,but what a fucking stupid gauge it is !

That's not me with my strange and curious extrapolation of what I've been told over the years, that's an actual end user with an actual Pandora with its actual power meter.

Now it seems that at least some x86 laptops may have similar basic circuitry, but have an enhanced/smarter batter guage behaviour, as you yourself have agreed with Mali:

GizmoTheGreen said:
mali said:
There is some additional third-party software available for x86 laptops, like Battery Bar for example, which adds a history to the battery readings to adopt to the typical usage scenario of the user.

Quoted for truth B)

Bear with me. Craigs two quote, which I won't dig up again if you don't mind, were the quickest easiest examples I got from searching based on my memory that he'd said the Pandora guage was BETTER than we get from the likes of Intel - which to me, he clearly DOES say. So to me the confusion is simple. If the Pandora has a better battery gauge, why is it simpler reporting only the current this-second usage level time estimate rather than being equal to or better than an x86 laptop guage? Or to put it another way, in what way is the Pandora batter guage better thant he rubbish we get with x86?

To me there are various answers, from "ah we had problems with that tech, that isn't true any more" to "well we consider it to be better because in THIS scenario or in THAT way...". Not so much the "Stop calling us liars!" or "So tell me mr Monk, how could it be any better Hmmm?".

GizmoTheGreen said:
So i don't see the reason for your confusion, sorry.

That's OK, not everyone can see and understand everyone else's points of view. I HOPE I have clarified mine, on the battery topic, sufficiently yet without rancor.

ste_167 said:
Monk, you're starting to remind me of Epicenter! :P

And ED is starting to remind me of Craig, a lot.
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Im not sure im following the original complaint on the battery monitoring, also not sure i understand how it can be confused on how it works.
Real life example, if im using wifi and downloading something, the batt life is going to show lower life and then when im done with the wifi and it goes into power saver mode, soon after the monitor adjusts.
Another real life example, ive never had the pandora shutdown ive always seen a warning before it gets that low, be it a xfce warning or the led flashing.

So the argument given that the pandora is doing nothing and you use it and then it only has minutes left I think is a weak one. I think this also calls for some common sense, if you have 10 min remaining and your just using the desktop, its probably not a good idea to run something intensive.
Twiitcher said:
Perhaps the forums would benefit with a bit less micro-management and over-analysis of the process and a bit more trust and patience..just sayin.

I agree. As I was reading this discussion, I understood why a company hides behind PR teams specifically tasked with releasing information in ever-so-precise paragraphs, so that the damage of attempting to communicate any kind of information with the general public doesn't immediately bounce back in the company's face.

By the way, if I am reading correctly, I noted that everyone seemed to calm down near the end. Congrats to the community for keeping the discussion somewhat civil, even if it got heated. :)
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To be fair, you are quoting me out of context, Monk ;)
And Craig compared it to the gp2x battery meter, iirc. The main problem I see here is that neither ED nor Craig nor Monk are techies in the sense, that they fully understand what this battery meter is all about. It's common technology used in many devices and there is no magic involved. Everyone is slightly right from his point of view, but nobody really understands it. MWeston made a comment in the Hardware section, iirc.

Let's just put this to rest and discuss it in the appropriate thread :)
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