Pandora Vs Caanoo

Still Fresh
Oct 30, 2010
I am thinking about investing in an open source handheld device in the next few months.

The choice for me is between the Caanoo and the Pandora. Currently, I am leaning more towards the Caanoo.

The main things I intend to use them is of course emulation gaming. But I also would like to have a certain usability in other areas.

Most importantly the reading and ebook capability of these devices. I know the Caanoo comes with an inbuilt reader and I don't doubt the Pandora has a similar offering in its software library. However, I would like to hear actual experiences and opinions about how good and how long you can read before feeling uneasy. Since I am considering buying an ebook-reader instead, it would be interesting to see people's opinions on how good a substitute the Caanoo or the Pandora is for a dedicated ebook-reader.

I also have questions about dosbox emulation on both devices. They both have touchscreens and styli, so it should be possible to have dosbox emulate the mouse by using touchscreen input. This would be interesting, because it would allow for a rather faithful representation of old DOS strategy games, like the first Master of Orion. So my question is basically, whether this has already been done with the ports, is in the works or will not happen at all.

And a more general question about dosbox; how good is the emulation performance in terms of dosbox cycles?

Concerning the Pandora's built in keyboard, I'd also like to know how good you can really type with it. Is it feasible to write code or small texts containing a few hundred words in a realistic amount of time? If I could really type with it in a reasonable time frame, this could be a huge plus for me.
Bottom line is Caanoo is available now - Pandora you are looking at probably 6 months if you are not already in the batch 2 preorder queue.

With Pandora it will do everything Caanoo will do and has more processing power/bigger screen/better controls etc just no guarantee when you will get it unless you pick one up off EBAY.
Very different devices. You already know about keyb comparison.

Resolution is another huge factor both ways.. For ebooks I'd say low res is terrible. The caanoo screen is pretty nice though, and the res lends itself to emulation and scummvm nicely.

I'd decide based on timeline, keyb requiremint, res, stuff like browsing or not, etc, that help split your intended uses

They're both excellent

the only reason i dont have a cannoo is because i know that when i get pandora, ill never touch the cannoo again, on the other hand, who knows when were getting our pandoras
i wanted to get a pandora but i want it now not 6 months to a year and unfortunately for some even longer that. i also wanted to get a wiz but gph stopped supporting it until recently, it was suppose to have tv-out and wifi function a year ago. without those functions i didn't think it was worth the $180. and then the caanoo came out with everything i wanted on the wiz so i bought it. i do still plan on getting a pandora when it is readily available because it seems even a year from now it will still be the most powerful opensource handheld.
skeezix said:
Resolution is another huge factor both ways.. For ebooks I'd say low res is terrible.
If you're reading PDFs, yes - if you're reading .txt files, no. Just thought I'd mention that I've been using my GP32 FLU as an ebook reader for years (320x240 resolution). The lack of backlighting makes it easier on the eyes.

I plan to use my Pandora for ebooks when I get it, but I'm curious about whether it'll be as easy on my eyes as the GP32...
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Truth is I was going to buy an F100 when it first came out. I put it off wanting to wait for an upgrade that would play PSX emulation at 100 percent.
i then got whiff of the Pandora in early 2008 and seeing as it was only going to be out in ™2 months I decided to wait for that.

Wiz came along and I snorted at it going "ha, my pandora is gonna rinse that".

Looking back I wish I'd bought a Wiz (but waited for Panda as I'm fussy about how much I spend on things that just kill time)
And, well, it's now coming up to 2011 and Pandoras are essentially vaporware. Unless your willing to part with a sizeable lump of cash to wait an indeterminate amount of time to receive your pandora - and well if your going to spend £300 on a device wouldn't it be way better to get an android tablet especially as Android 3.0 is out in January? At least you only have to wait 2 months (haha) for an Android tablet.

So as opposed to what I did and waste 2 years regularly checking the Pandora website and forums, wouldn't it be better to just get a device now and you can start dabbling in homebrew code now, than drooling over the latest post of a big batch of chinese cases or texan motherboards?
Tough choice all around..



^ If I'd have balls I would put this: as pandora in that :P
as long as you dont replace the word balls with a pic of them, we'll be fine