Pandora: This Name Is A Lot Used


GP Mafia
May 20, 2004
For a handheld videogame console, it's unique as far as I can tell. It's very recognizable and easy to remember because Pandora's box is such a great and fitting mental image. Much better than all those generic letter & number things used everywhere.
Pandora is already making a name for itself and it would be foolish to change now, not forgetting that the general concencus seems to be in favour of the name.

Plus, no matter how generic the name is, if the product and it's support is good enough, the handheld will sell very well regardless.
x68000 said:
not forgetting that the general concencus seems to be in favour of the name.
Good afternoon sir,

I approve this message. I hereby confirm finding Pandora a great name.

Best regards,
Lt General Concencus,
US Army
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The meaning of "generic" I was trying to say was about too used, not about generic in typical for the kind of system it is.

And yes, I understand now that Pandora name is appropiate. I think it needs some kind of distinctive, like the name of the new company of this product or whatever (a prefix or suffix).
Clad said:
x68000 said:
not forgetting that the general concencus seems to be in favour of the name.
Good afternoon sir,

I approve this message. I hereby confirm finding Pandora a great name.

Best regards,
Lt General Concencus,
US Army

For one he is pretty much right, this is the only thread about the name and look at the amount of posts in it.

I don't understand what you are trying to say in your post.
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I have to agree. It should be Pandora "something". When the Pandora becomes available, a google search for it will turn up a lot of hits. Won't be an easy find for a gamer looking to buy one.
DisgruntleElf said:
I have to agree. It should be Pandora "something". When the Pandora becomes available, a google search for it will turn up a lot of hits. Won't be an easy find for a gamer looking to buy one.
gotta start linking to get the pagerank up, seo-optimize the page, troll forums :) etc etc etc.
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At the moment, I am getting a few hits on 'Pandora handheld' to my blog since I talk about it from time to time.
DisgruntleElf said:
I have to agree. It should be Pandora "something". When the Pandora becomes available, a google search for it will turn up a lot of hits. Won't be an easy find for a gamer looking to buy one.
Well if people were to search for Pandora say via google, They have to use a little bit of common sense and be a bit more specific in what pandora they were actually searching for.

For example:

Pandora handheld

Pandora gaming

Sorry to state the obvious, But well.

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after following a link to the wikipedia page for the pandora from here... it lists the pandora like this on wikipedia:

GamePark and GamePark Holdings handhelds
GP32 | GP2X | XGP | Pandora
timofonic said:
And yes, I understand now that Pandora name is appropiate. I think it needs some kind of distinctive, like the name of the new company of this product or whatever (a prefix or suffix).
Well, it's sometimes called OpenPandora.
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