waffles said:
what i wonder is, if he doesn't own a PC, how the hell is he planning on transferring his 400 cds to the pandora.
Hey folks,
My thoughts are getting the CDs onto an external HDD via a PC & MAC or with an external DVD-R USB if support will exist. I then want to be able to transfer & play music copied from external HDD or SDHC to iPhone. Iphones don't play mp3s either, it has to be .mp4
Maybe Zod would understand this better? Or tell me to buy a computer. I only play retro games, any tough stuff like MS Office I do at work, I have access to a G5 & HD Video camera for real computerwork.
I have no reason to buy a PC or MAC especially once I have Pandora.
I like the iPhone, I don't like iTunes or Apple monitoring my data.
Hope this clears things up a bit, not trying to make any emotional response.
Maybe I don't understand, but it sounds like you do not need a
andora1: for anything other than file transfers. The iPhone has emulators for retro-gaming and your not going to use the Pandora for multimedia.
It would make more sense to go with a EeePc + iPhone combo or Pandora + regular phone. And please keep topic about the
andora1: on the Pandora forum.