fearofshorts said:
I think that it definitely needs _something_.
I like the idea of it automatically setting up the SD folders (when a windows-style box, the one that appears when it detects removable storage).
So you're talking a built in help system which reacts to events, like the paperclip thing. This is probably more work than you think.
And I think that the web-browser should save .PNDs by default to the correct folder. That'd make things easier.
Again, maybe quite tricky, since you have a choice of SD cards, it could only work with the built in browser, etc. Far better would be be to get a single working browser installed by default.
What is needed, i think is a 'Quickstart' page on the wiki. No options or in depth background, just the minimum necessary to
a) complete the first-run dialogue.
B) Connect to WiFi
c) Install codec pack (maybe hotfix too)
d) Install a single music player (whichever is simplest to describe)
e) Install a game
f) Switch to minimenu and run the apps
So this has a lot of overlap with the user manual, but the emphasis should be on removing choices and background explanation. It is a section to be ignored, or followed to the letter - aand leaves you in a position of feeling you can use the Pandora.
Don't under-estimate the amount of work, it needs to be precise to be useful. It is also difficult to write because the more experienced linux users will want to explain the pros and cons of every decision (like what is a good host name...)